Online TNIT Exam / Training Needs Identification Test to AP School Assistants(SAs), PETs.

Online TNIT Exam / Training Needs Identification Test  to AP School Assistants(SAs), PETs.
Online TNIT Exam / Training Needs Identification Test  to AP School Assistants(SAs), PETs.
Conduct of Online (Computer Based Test) Training Needs Identification Test (TNIT) to all School Assistants of all managements – Issue suitable instructions to all School Assistant to appear the TNIT.
Online CBT TNIT Exam to SAs,PETs. Online Training Needs Identification Test(TNIT) to all School Assistants, PETs in Andhra Pradesh, TNIT Online Computer Based Test to AP Schools SAs, PETs,TNIT Online CBT to SAs,PETs.

Proceedings of the Commissioner of the School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad Rc.No.88/Trgs/SCERT/2016, Dated: 8-8-2016, Subject: SCERT, A.P., Hyderabad – RMSA Trainings – Conduct of Online (Computer Based Test) Training Needs Identification Test (TNIT) to all School Assistants of all managements – Issue suitable instructions to all School Assistant to appear the TNIT Request – Reg .

1) GO MS No.20, Education dated 28-03-2016, Common Summative Examinations for 6th to 10th Class
2) Minutes of the Meeting of the Project Approval Board (PAB) held on 22-4-2016
3) Video Conference of Secretary, Literacy & School Education, MHRD, Govt. of India
4) Representation of APUSMA, dated:18.5.2015 request for training of Private School Teachers
5) Request letter of Tribal Welfare Dept to Director, SCERT to training their Residential School Teachers
6) Note Orders of the Prl.Secretary School Education & Chairman, RMSA, A.P.,Hyderabad

All the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that, the Govt. have decided to conduct online (Computer Based Test) Training Needs Identification Test (TNIT) to all School Assistants, of all subjects, of all managements, in the State.

Vide reference 1st read above, Govt has issued a GO to undertake common summative examinations for all categories of schools in the state. During 2015-16, the Summative Assessment -Ill was commonly conducted for all Govt managed schools. The academic standard wise results indicate the need for ensuring appropriate training for the teachers to clarify gap areas so that they will be in a better position to support the students to achieve the expected levels of learning.

Vide reference 2nd read above, under the RMSA secondary education program in the Project Appraisal board meeting, Govt.of India approved the training of 32401 Subject Teachers in the State for the year 2016-17.

Vide reference 3rd read above, the Govt. of India proposes to undertake the National Achievement Survey in census mode during 2016-17. In other words, instead of covering a sample of schools of different management, the survey will cover all schools and all students. The learning outcomes of students in AP Schools is far below the National average in English, Science and Modern Indian Languages subjects, as indicated in the National Achievement Survey (NAS) 2015 results and only marginally above national average in Mathematics & Social Sciences subjects. There is a need for improving learning outcomes in the state and addressing the overall gaps in ensuring quality of education.

Vide reference 4th & 5th read above School Education Dept. has been receiving requests from other departments and from the private schools management associations to extend the government teacher training to their teachers too.

In the above context it is proposed to conduct the Training Needs Identification Test (TNIT) during August and September 2016 to all School Assistants. The Objective of the TNIT is two fold –
(i) to assess the Teachers’knowledge on subject content and methodology to identify difficult gap/areas requiring further support to the teacher.
(ii) to design and provide need based trainings to the teachers in those specific areas in respective subjects.

Based on the TNIT for specific subject teachers, Training modules will be designed and provided in cascade mode for different category of teachers working under different managements. The TNIT is proposed to be conducted on 20th& 21st of August, 2016 in all districts, except Krishna and Guntur. The dates for Krishna and Guntur districts after Krishna Pushakaras will be 10.09.2016 & 11.09.2016

The duration of the on line (Computer Based Test) TNIT will be 2 1/2 hours. The Question paper will be in bilingual – English I Telugu for all non-language subjects and for the languages Question papers will be in the concerned language only. The scores will be known immediately after the examination.

Read: AP SAs,PETs Online TNIT Exam Date, Instructions for Online Exam

The Training Needs Identification Test (TNIT) will be conducted for 150 marks on i) General and ii) School subject and methodology areas to assess the content needs of the teachers in the State. General area for 50 Marks (33 1/3 % ) and School subject and methodology 100 Marks (66 2/3 %). The details are:-
A) For School Assistants of all the School subjects:
I) General Areas – Part-A : 50 marks
I . General Knowledge and Current affairs : 10 marks
II. Perspective, Class Room management & Inclusive Education for Disabled at School State (IEDSS) : : 20 marks
III. Computer skills : 20 marks

II. School Subject Areas – Part B :: 100 marks
I. Concerned School Subject upto Class X (Class VI to X A.P. State Syllabus): 50 marks
II. Content level raised upto Intermediate (A.P. State Syllabus) : 20 marks
III. Methodology & Pedagogy: 30 marks

B) For Physical Education Teachers
1. General Areas – Part – A: 50 Marks
2. Physical Education – Part – B: 50 Marks

All the RJDs and DEOs are therefore requested to issue suitable instructions to all School Managements to ensure that all School Assistants/Subject Teachers of all subjects appear for the TNIT Examination in their respective districts. There is no TNIT Examination fee for the School Assistants working in Govt./ZP Schools in the State.

Further, they are informed that, the teachers, who are handling classes VI to X in Social
Welfare I Tribal Welfare I Mpl/APREI/ Pvt. (Aided/ Unaided) Schools etc., should be instructed to appear the TNIT Examination with a payment of Rs. 300/- towards TNIT Examination Fee is to be collected from all such management school teachers. The management or the individual teachers Pvt. Schools may make the required payment online at Hence, all DEOs are requested to issue necessary instructions to the managements of Social, Tribal, B.C. Welfare, Mpl, APREI to make payment of Rs. 300/- per teacher towards fee for appearing the TNIT Examinations to the Director, SCERT, A.P .. Hyderabad S.B. A/c. No. 0606010195379, IFS Code ANDB 0000606
Andhra Bank, Vijayawada Main Branch.

Note: Guidelines on the registration process and the dates for issue of hall tickets, etc. is available at along with sample (practice) test will be hosted two days prior to the commencement of actual online TNIT.

#Online TNIT Exam to AP SAs, PETs

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# Online Training Needs Identification Test  to AP SAs, PETs
# AP SAs,PETs Online TNIT Exam Date, Instructions on Online Exam