TS DEECET 2023-2024 Web counselling Phase-2 Seat Allotments, web options, certificates verification, Seat Allotment Order download from deecet.cdse.telangana.gov.in
TS DEECET 2024 Phase-2 Web Counselling, Web Option dates, Certificates verification web options entry Online @ deecet.cdse.telangana.gov.in
TS DEECET 2023 webcounselling Seat Allotments- Telangana D.Ed (TTC) Admission Letter 2023-24
Director of the School Education of Telangana issued TS D.Ed (TTC) Exam 2023 Notification in August 2023. The TS D.Ed Entrance Examis going to conduct in Online Mode from this year. Telangana State DEIT CET Notification is for students to provide admissions in TTC Course for the academic year 2023-24 through Department of School Education. The Government of Telangana publishes the TS DEECET Notification 2023 for the common entrance exam to get Admission for D.Ed with Two years Duration Course. This Notification is for District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET) and Private D.Ed Colleges. Aspirants who are eagerly waiting to join in Diploma Education course in Telangana Institutes may apply for this Telangana DIETCET 2023 Exam.
The process of admission stages:
Counseling involves in the following steps
1. Rank Cards announcement
2. Download Admit Cards
3. Attend the Verification of certificates at DIETs
4. Give the Web Options: Online submission of preferences of colleges through Web Based application.
5. Announcement of Allotment of seats to candidates, Download of Allotment Letter.
6. Issue of Final Admission letter (FAL)
7. Certificates verification and Fee Payment at Govt DIETs
7. Acknowledgement Letter submission to the allotted Training College
TS DEECET 2023-2024 Counselling Schedule Web Options, certificates Verification
TS DEECET 2023 Web Counselling, web options, certificates verification, Seat Allotment Order -Overview
Subject |
Details |
Article name |
TS DEECET 2023-2024 Web counselling dates web options, certificates verification, Seat Allotment Order download |
Conducting authority |
School Education Department, Telangana State |
Name of the Exam |
D.EI.Ed. (Diploma in Elementary Education) Entrance Exam 2023-24 |
Admission Courses |
Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed) |
Institutions name |
Govt. DIETs / Private unaided Elementary Teacher Education Institutions (including Minority and NonMinority) |
Location in State |
Telangana state |
TS DEECET Exam date | 01-06-2023 |
Category |
Web Counselling |
Certificates verification dates |
On 17.01.2024 who have not attended the students previously for certificate verication. |
Web options Phase-2 starts from | 18.01.2024 to 22.01.2024. |
Seat allotments release date | 25.01.2024. |
Payment of fees and download of final admission letter | 26.01.2024 to 29.01.2024. |
Official website |
http://deecet.cdse.telangana.gov.in/ |
TS DEECET Web Counselling schedule 2023-2024
All the candidates who have qualified in DEECET-2023 for admission into two year D.El.Ed. programme for 2023-2024 academic batch are informed that for web based counseling will be conducted in all the Govt. DIETs as per the schedule given below. The candidates intending to take admission shall bring all original certificates of educational qualifications and get verification of certificates and exercise option in the DIETs and submit their preferences through the link given at http://tsdeecet.cgg.gov.in as per the schedule given below. The candidates are advised to give more preferences so as to get more chances for allotment of seat.
The candidates are advised to give more preferences so as to get more chances for allotment of seat. Candidates already admitted through first phase of web based counseling and intending to slide to other colleges can also submit options. The revised schedule and detailed procedure may be downloaded from the above website.
TS DEECET Web Counselling Dates 2024 Certificates Verification
TS Deecet 2023 results released, candidates download ts deecet 2023 admit card through official website. Candidates who are qualified should attend certificates verification with admit card and their original documents at district institute of educational research and training (DIET) concerned on date and time given on admit card. TS Deecet admit card can be downloaded on July 2023. TS Deecet 2023 web options dates announced , ts deecet 2023 certificates verification, to join into two years of ded course 2023-2024 batch. Candidates who got the rank can give the web options from telangana official website tsdeecet.cgg.gov.in. Candidates can see web counselling dates below after ts deecet 2023 ranks certificates verification in official website.
List of Documents to be produced at the time of Certificates Verification
The Following Original Certificates are to be produced during Certificate Verification:
1. Pdf of ONLINE application of DEECET 2023.
2. Rank Card of DEECET 2023.
3. DEECET Admit Card
4. SSC or its Equivalent Certificate for proof of Date of Birth.
5. Certificates of Qualifying examination (Intermediate or equivalent) as submitted in the ONLINE application.
6. Transfer Certificate/TC from the institution where last studied.
7. Study Certificate from Class 4 to 10. In case of private study Residence Certificate issued by the MRO.
8. Integrated Community certificate issued by MRO for candidates claiming admission under quota For reservation of BC / SC / ST categories.
9. PH Certificate issued by the District Medical Board in case of candidates claiming reservation under quota for PH category.
10. Special Category certificates issued by concerned authority for candidates claiming admission under quota of reservation for Special Categories (CAP, NCC, Sports,).
11. Income certificate issued by Tahsildhar after 01.01.2023 of parent/s of SC & ST candidates whose income is less than Rs.2,00,000 per annum from all sources and Rs.1,00,000 in respect of BC candidates claiming exemption of Tuition fee (Rs.2385.00 in case of Colleges under Government Management and Tuition fee Rs.11000.00 in case of Colleges under Private Management for One year).
The DEECET 2023 qualified candidates, who were going to certificates verification they should attend the certificates verification at you concerned districts Govt DIETs with your TS DEECET Admit card along with required documents. After verification process, they should give the web options in the Phase I/II/III web based counseling stream, After they can download your Provisional Allotment Letter(Seat allotment Letter) from TS DEECET Website and check your name in your college list. They should the allotted colleges along with required documents.
TS deecet 2023-2024 Web counselling -Exercise Web options- Seat Allotments schedule Phase-2
1) Certificate Verification on 17.01.2024 who have not attended the students previously for certificate verication.
2) Submission of Web based preferences of colleges by the students 18.01.2024 to 22.01.2024.
3) Allotment of seats to the candidates on merit orders (Sliding and Fresh students under Phase II) on 25.01.2024.
4) Payment of fees and download of final admission letter 26.01.2024 to 29.01.2024.
5) After sliding options and seat allotment under Phase II, allotment of seats on conversion based on the merit order on 31.01.204.
6) Reporting of candidates (on conversion of seats) to the colleges concerned duly payment of prescribed fees from 01.02.2024 to 03.02.2024.
Documents Required for Certificate Verification |
Check Certificate Verification Center |
Concerned Govt DIET Phone Numbers |
District and Day Wise Center Count |
TS DEECET 2023 Verification of Certificates
All the candidates who have qualified in the TSDEECET 2023 are hereby informed that they should attend to the session for ‘Verification of Certificates’ at the District Institute of Educational Research and Training (DIET) concerned on the date and time given on their ‘Admit Card for Verification of Certificates’ to be downloaded from the website www. tsdeecet.cgg.gov.in
The candidates shall compulsorily attend the session for ‘Verification of Certificates’ along with all the ‘Original Certificates’ given on the ‘Admit Card for Verification of Certificates’ failing which they shall not be allowed to submit their options for web based selection of colleges for allotment of seat in D.El.Ed. for the year 2023-24 batch.
TS DEECET student’s certificates verification should be started from the 5th or 6th of this month for admission into D.Ed course. The students who are got ranks in the DEECET have been ready with their original certificates before 4th of this month. So, Candidates should download the Admit Card from the Official Web portal and attend the certificates verification along with required documents.
TS DEECET 2023 admit card for verification & List of candidates for Verification: Download TS DEECET 2023 admit card for verification & List of candidates for Verification DIET wise/ TS DEECET 2023 Admit Cards download for Certificates verification, List of Certificates, Admit Card for Verification of Certificates, TS DEECET Web options: Telangana State Diploma in Elementary Education Common entrance Test (TSDEECET-2023) merit list and results have been declared on the official website of TSDEECET 2023. The TSDEECET 2023 results(rank cards) are available on Tsdeecet.cgg.gov.in. TSDEECET 2023 is conducted by DSE Telangana for candidates who intend to take admission into 2 years Diploma in Elementary Education (D.EL.Ed) in Government District Institutes of Education & Training (DIETs) and Private Elementary Teacher Training Institutions in the state. The candidates are advised to check the TS DEECET 2023 website for further details about counselling.
“The Ranks assigned in this Merit List are only tentative as they are based on the data submitted online by the candidates and hence are subject to change as per the ‘Physical Verification of Certificates’ to be caused shortly,” said the results notification.
1) Payment of fees and download of final admission letter : July 2023
2) Reporting to the colleges on or before : July 2023
3) First day of instruction : July 2023
TS DEECET ALLOTMENT Allotted College download |
College Wise Allotment Report |
Admission Fee Payment |
Admission Payment Status |
Download Admission Letter |
Download TS DEECET 2023 Final Admission Letter Click Here
TS DEECET 2023 Results, Admit Cards for Certificates verification:
TS DEECET-2023 Examination Date &Timings:
The Candidates who are appearing for DEECET-2023 Online Test for admission into two year D.EI.Ed. course for the Batch of 2023-22 are informed that the Online Test will be held on in three sessions as follows.
Session – I Examination Timings 9.00 AM to 11.00 AM
Session -II Examination Timings 12.30 PM to 2.30 PM
Session -III Examination Timings 4.00 PM to 6.00 PM
Reporting Time :
Candidates have to report to the examination centre one hour before the scheduled time of the session they are allotted
The Hall Tickets can be downloaded from the web site of tsdeecet.cgg.gov.in and Practice Test is also available for the students in the TSDEECET website. Click the Below link to download Hall Ticket. At login page, enter the Registration No and DOB(dd-mm-yy) at the required places to download the Hall Ticket.
Practice Test Link For English with Telugu Candidates , Practice Test Link For English with Urdu Candidates , Practice Test Link For Telugu Candidates , Practice Test Link For Urdu Candidates
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TS DEECET 2024 Seat allotment order, Final Admission Letter download from deecet.cdse.telangana.gov.in-Web Options,Certificates verification

TS DEECET 2024 Phase-2 Web Counselling, Web Options, Certificates verification, Seat Allotment Order| deecet.cdse.telangana.gov.in