ANUPGCET 2022 AP PGCET PG Entrance Tests Notification, Application Form, Exam Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus
ANUCET 2022 AP PGCET Acharya Nagarjuna University PGCET 2022: ANUPGCET – 2022 Conducted by Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur For Admission into Postgraduate Courses of Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur and Andhra Kesari Tanguturi Prakasam University, Ongole for the Academic year 2022-2021. ANU invites online applications from the candidates who have passed or appearing for the final year examination in the qualifying degree for admission into Post Graduate courses as listed in its website ( leading to Post-Graduate degree in M.Sc., MA., M.S.W., M.Com., M.H.R.M., M.Ed., M.P.Ed., PGDAS., P.O. Diploma in Yoga., 5 Years Integrated Courses in M.B.A. and Nanotechnology for the Academic Year 2022-2023 offered by Acharya Nagarjuna University Campus. PG Centre, Ongole and its Affiliated Colleges through ANUPGCET-2022. Common Entrance Test for ANU PGCET 2022, ANUCET 2022, ANU PGCET 2022, Acharya Nagarjuna University PG Entrance Test 2022, Online Application From, Fee Details, How to Apply, Last Date, Entrance Exam Date, Hall Tickets, Results, ANU PG Admissions 2022 Counselling Dates/Schedule details available here.

ANUPGCET 2022 PG Entrance Tests Notification, Application Form, Exam Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus, Pattern
ANUPGCET 2022 entrance exam, also known as Acharya Nagarjuna University Post Graduate Common Entrance Test is a state level exam that will be conducted by Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Guntur in 2022. Online applications are iniviting from eligible candidates from 22.06.2022. Apply online up to 03-05-2022 without late fee. More details are given in the notification available at
APPGCET-2022 Post Graduate Common Entrance Tests Notification
Online Applications are invited from the candidates who have passed or appearing for the final semester (year) examination in the qualifying degree for entrance tests and admission into first year of various P.G. Courses (M.A., M.Com., M.Sc., MCJ, M.Lib.Sc., M.Ed., M.P.Ed., M.Sc.Tech etc) offered by Andhra Pradesh State funded Universites and their Constituent/ Affiliated [Government and Private (Aided/Unaided)] Colleges including Minority Educational Institutions in the State.
APPGCET-2022 Post Graduate Common Entrance Tests
- Andhra University (AU)
- Sri Venkateswara University (SVU)
- Sri Krishnadevaraya University (SKU)
- Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU)
- Sri Padmavathi Mahila Viswa Vidyalam (SPMVV)
- Yogi Vemana University (YVU)
- Rayalaseema University (RU)
- Vikrama Simhapuri University (VSU)
- Dravidian University (DU)
- Krishna University (KRU)
- Adi Kavi Nannaya University (AKNU)
- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University (DrBRAU)
- Dr. Abdul Haq Urdu University (DrAHUU)
- Cluster University, Kurnool (CUK)
- Andhra Kesari Tanguturi Prakasam University, Ongole (AKTPU)
- Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur Oil Technological and Pharmaceutical Research Institute (JNTUA-OTPRI), Anatapur
The Entrance test will be conducted online through Computer Based Test (CBT).
Courses Offered:
Admission into PG Courses offered by Acharya Nagarjuna University and Andhra Kesari Tanguturi Prakasam University affiliated PG Colleges for the Academic Year 2022-21 will be made for the courses mentioned in below are based on entrance test.
M.Sc.: Aquaculture, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Botany, Environmental Science, Food & Nutritional Sciences, Microbiology, Nano-biotechnology, Zoology, Electronics, Electronics & Instrument Technology, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics, Oils, Fats & Petro Products, Analytical Chemistry, Foresnsic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Geology; 5 years Integrated M.Sc Nanotechnology, Yoga for Human Excellence
M.A.: Ancient History and Archaeology, Economics, English, Hindi, History, Journalism and Mass Communication, Mahayana Buddhist Studies, Political Science, Public Administration, Rural Development, Sanskrit, Sociology, , Telugu MSW (Master of Social Work), M.Ed, M.Com, MHRM, M.L.I.SC, M.P.Ed,
PG Diploma: Advance Aquaculture Management, Ambedkar Studies, Gandhian Studies, Mahayana Buddhist Studies, Yoga for Human Excellence, Fine Arts (Evening course)
Certificate Course: Sustainable Aquaculture Management
NOTE: Candidates who are appeared and qualified in ANUPGCET-2022, they alone are eligible for Fee Reimbursement provided, they fulfill all other conditions of Govt. of AP Rules for Reimbursement.
The Candidates are required to read the following Instructions carefully for filling the Online Application Form. Admission into PG Courses offered by Acharya Nagarjuna University and Andhra Kesari Tanguturi Prakasam University affiliated PG Colleges for the Academic Year 2022-20 will be made for the courses mentioned in Table – I are based on Entrance Test.
Application Cost:
Registration Fee for a single Test is Rs.850/- for OC, Rs.750/- for BC candidates and Rs.650/- for SC/ST/PH candidates. The fee may be paid at any APonline centers or through payment gateway (Credit/Debit Cards/ Net Banking). For submission of online application, visit the above websites.
How to apply: Eligible candidates apply through online mode at University website.
- Date of commencement of online registration &
- Submission of applications : 22.06.2022
- Last date for submitting the online application : 20.07.2022
- Last date with a late fee of Rs.500/- : 25.07.2022
- Last date with late fee of Rs.1000/- : 29-07-2022
- Commencement of Entrance tests tentatively from : 17-08-2022
ANU PGCET-2022 Notification
AP PGCET 2022 Notification
For further details, go through the Information Brochure available in the websites: (or)
Steps to be followed in filling ONLINE ANUPGCET 2022 application form
Online Application form filling process
1. The Online Application for ANUPGCET – 2022 is available at website
2. When you fill Online Application, you should have the following necessities with you.
(a) Your Mobile Phone.
(b) ANUPGCET – 2022 Information Brochure.
(c) Your documents pertaining to your personal details and academic records.
(d) Softcopy of scanned passport photo and signature.
3. Open the website from your browser(Internet Explorer / Chrome / Firefox).
4. Click on the link appearing as Click here to register for ANUPGCET – 2022 Online Application.
5. After clicking the required link, you will get a detailed menu options screen.
6. Before proceeding to fill the application, please download and read the Admission
7. Click on Online Registration button appearing on top menu.
8. Select the Test Name(s) you to appear, degree passed/appearing and fill the required details
with elective subjects, then you will find the list of eligible and not-eligible courses.
9. Then proceed to fill the Name and other personal details with present address and date
of birth. Please fill the details as per SSC or equivalent certificate.
10. While entering the personal details, please give your correct MOBILE number and EMAIL
address, because all the correspondence from Admission Authority (DOA) will be made to Mobile
and Email only, No postal correspondence will be made under any circumstances.
11. After completion of registration details entry, your Mobile will receive SMS of a Security
Code, please type the Security Code in the box provided in the Registration Form and
immediately your screen will display a message as “VERIFIED” in green color.
12. Then click “Register & Proceed” button for filling the application with all academic and other
details along with scanned Passport Photo and Scanned Signature (signed on white paper only).
13. Fill the entire Academic, Study, Reservation and other Personal Details and submit the
application. Select the terms and conditions box, click the preview button. Now it displays the
application preview. There it gives two buttons one for “Back-To-Edit” for Editing any mistakes
done by you, Save and Print for continuing the application. Now it generates the
Acknowledgement Receipt, Take the printout and pay the fee by online using SBI Collect. After
payment of fee in bank, you will get a mail with all the details submitted by online as a PDF file.
You have to take a printout of the same and retain the same until completion of admission.
Help Line:
For Technical problems Please contact on following number
7730883639 on working days between 10.00 am and 06.00 pm
For Clarification on regulations and eligibility rules contact
0863 – 2346171, 2346138, 9440258822/11
on working days between 10.00 am and 06.00 pm
List of Enclosures
The following Original Certificates are to be submitted at the Time of Certificate Verification
1. ANUPGCET – 2022 Application, Hall Ticket
2. ANUPGCET – 2022 Rank Card
3. Transfer Certificate & Conduct Certificate from the college last studied
4. Degree Provisional Certificate / Original Degree
5. Degree Mark Memos of Three Years
6. Reserved Category / Permanent Caste Certificate issued in 2022 from Mee Seva (for SC, ST
and BC Candidates if reservation is claimed), EWS certificate from Mee Seva
7. S.S.C / Date of Birth Certificate
8. Intermediate or equivalent Certificate
9. Income Certificate issued in 2022 from Mee Seva (if fee concession is claimed)
10. Study Certificates (from 9th Class to Degree final year) / Residence Certificate of last Seven
Academic Years (from Mee Seva issued in 2022) / Form-I or II or III or IV as given in Annexure – A pertaining to claim of Local Candidate
11. Copy of the Relevant Certificates issued from concerned authorities, if Special Reservation is
claimed under PH/ NCC/ SPORTS/ CAP
12. Migration Certificate (Student studied in other than Acharya Nagarjuna University)
13. Declaration form as given in Annexure-B
14. Two sets of attested xerox copies of the above mentioned certificates and Two Passport size photos
Note 2 : No Candidate will be allowed into the Counseling Hall without Provisional Certificate (P.C) and Transfer Certificate (T.C).
Note 3 : Candidates who have appeared and qualified in ANUPGCET-2022, they alone are eligible for Fee Reimbursement provided, they fulfill all other conditions of Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Rules for Reimbursement.
For More Details Please Visit Official Website: or
ANU PGCET 2022 Post Graduate Common Entrance Test 2022, Acharya Nagarjuna University ANU has given PGCET 2022 Notification and invites applications for admission into PG Courses for 2022-2022, Online Application Form, How to Apply, Important dates and Fee details for ANU PGCET 2022 available at