AP Grama/ward Sachivalayam Results District wise Merit Lists and Download Call Letters and Upload Certificates Merit List/Cut Off Marks 2020 Category Wise Download selection List at vsws.ap.gov.in
AP Grama/ward Sachivalayam Districts Merit Lists and Download Call Letters and Upload Certificates
AP Grama Sachivalayam results 2020 Released at gramasachivalayam.ap.gov.in: AP Grama/ward Sachivalayam Results/ Merit List/ Cut Off Marks 2020 Category Wise Download selection List from vsws.ap.gov.in . Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj and Rural Department to be released AP Grama Sachivalayam Results/Merit List/Cut Off Marks 2020 Category Wise. The Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj and Rural Department released AP Grama Sachivalayam Merit List 2020 district wise exam conducted on September 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th & 26th (Written test) .AP Grama Sachivalayam conducted this recruitment drive to fill up 1,60,801 vacancies for posts including Panchayat Secretary, Village Revenue Officer, ANM, Animal Husbandary Assistant, Village Fisheries Assistant, Village Horticulture Assistant, Village Agriculture Assistant, Village Sericulture Assistant, Mahila Police and Women & Child Welfare Assistant, Engineering Assistant, Panchayat Secretary, Digital Assistant, Village Surveyor and Welfare and Education Assistant. Now the exam appeared candidates are eagerly waiting for Results/Merit List/Cut Off Marks 2020 Category Wise selection List . Candidates who have recently appeared in the Andhra Pradesh Grama Sachivalayam examination, now candidates check Andhra Pradesh Grama Sachivalayam Result 2020 at gramasachivalayam.ap.gov.in, www.wardsachivalayam.ap.gov.in, www.vsws.ap.gov.in.

Check www.gramasachivalayam.ap.gov.in Merit List 2020
Candidates can obtain the AP Grama Sachivalayam result 2020 either from the official website or from the direct link provided below. AP Grama Sachivalayam written examinations were conducted from September 1 to 8, 2020. The answer keys were made accessible on the official website. Candidates were given a chance to challenge the answer keys. AP Grama Sachivalayam had also released final answer keys on September 11, 2020. AP Grama Sachivalayam released recruitment notification on July 27, 2020. The online application process for the AP Grama Sachivalayam recruitment was commenced on July 27 and closed on August 11, 2020.
AP Grama Sachivalayam results 2020 announced at gramasachivalayam.ap.gov.in
Andhra Pradesh (AP) Grama Sachivalayam on Thursday, September 19, declared the results of written examination conducted for the recruitment to various posts. The candidates who have appeared for the AP Grama Sachivalayam recruitment examination can visit the official website of AP Grama Sachivalayam — gramasachivalayam.ap.gov.in – to check and download their results.
A total of 19,50,630 candidates appeared for the AP Grama Sachivalayam examination. Out of which 1,98,164 were declared successful. Of the total qualified candidates, 1,31,327 are men while 66,835 are women.
Details of qualified candidates
Name of the Vacancies: VRO, VRA, MPEO-1, Linemen, Gopal Mitra, Forest Watcher, MPEO-2, Feild Assistant-2, ANM & Other Posts
Number of posts: 16208 Vacncies
Meanwhile, as per the information available on the official website, AP Government is likely to reduce the qualifying marks of the written examination conducted for the AP Grama Sachivalayam recruitment as a sufficient number of candidates fail to qualify for the notified vacancies. The notification reads “Reserves the right to reduce the qualifying marks of the written examination in the event of sufficient number of candidates do not qualify for the notified vacancies.”
How to Download/Check Andhra Pradesh Grama Sachivalayam Result/Cut Off marks/Merit list 2020?
Candidates can access Andhra Pradesh Ward Sachivalayam Result/merit list online. If anyone face trouble then refer these guidelines and try accordingly.
- First of all, candidates open official website www.vsws.ap.gov.in
- Then visit the Recruitment Section and find Result link
- Click on the Result /Cut off marks/merit list and open it
- Enter Hall Ticket Number, Date Of Birth , Verification Code
- click on get results
- Now you can get results.
AP Grama Sachivalayam Call Letter, Document Verification and Appointment Order 2020
(పరీక్ష ఫలితాలు)
Click Here
(డౌన్లోడ్ కాల్ లెటర్)Click Here
(ధృవీకరణ పత్రాలను అప్లోడ్ చేయండి) Click Here
New ANTECEDENT VERIFICATION FORM Click HereDownload Uploaded Certificateshttp://vsws.ap.gov.in/
AP Grama sachivalayam toppers & Certificate Verification shedule
Following guidelines may be followed for Candidates Certificate Verification
1. The verification process may be conducted at the District Head Quarters in a suitable place like an Engineering college, Zilla Parishad office or any single place or institution.
2. As the 14 Departments are having their village level functionaries in the Secretariats, post wise and Department wise verification boards may be constituted under the supervision of respective department District Head.
3. Multiple Verification boards may be constituted headed by an officer of not below the Rank of Assistant Director of the respective department.
4. A Call letter may be sent to all the candidates through email or Other means for attending to certificates verification by specifying time, date and location Of the verification. The candidate shall be informed to bring 2 sets of attested copies of all the relevant certificates along with two passport size photos atthe time Of verification and submit to verification board. A Model Call letter to the candidates for attending to certificate verification is enclosed herewith this letter as Annexure-I.
5. The following certificates Of the candidates shall be verified as mentioned the application form
A. A copy of application of the candidate downloaded from the VSWS site shall be verified.
B. Date Of Birth Of candidate may be verified through SSC certificate/Birth Certificate.
C. Certificates of qualifications required for the applied post may be verified.
D. Following certificates required for local status may be verified based on applicability
- For Regular study candidates (Study Certificates from 4m class to 10m class),
- For Private study candidates (Residence Certificate)
Candidates who migrate from Telangana to AndhraPradesh between 2nd June,2014 and 1st June, 2020 (in this case till date of notification) as per terms laid down in circular meno no.4136/SPF & MC/2015-5, Dated:20.11.2017 Of Government of AndhraPradesh shall obtain the Local Status Certificate from competent authority and produce at the time Of verification,
For Visual and Hearing impaired candidates studied in special schools, as per GO.MS.No, 104, dated: 24.03.2000 issued bv General Administration Department, Residence Certificate of parents shall be verified.
E. Community certificates issued latest by Tahsildar shall be verified for all the Reservation Candidates(BC, SC and ST)
F. Non creamy layer certificate issued latest by Tahsildar for all the BC candidates shall be verified.
G. Differently abled (PH) candidates certificate issued by SADERM shall be verified for the PH candidates.
H. Ex-service man candidates certificate issued by Competent Authority shall be verified for the Ex-service man candidates.
I. Sports candidates certificates shall be verified as per relevant G,Os and instructions issued from time to time by The Managing Director, Sports Authority Of Andhra Pradesh.
J. NCC instructor certificate, In-service employee certificate. Widow certificate shall be verified in case of age relaxation availed by the candidate as per the rules in vogue.
AP Grama/ward Sachivalayam Results/Merit List/Cut Off Marks 2020 Category Wise Download selection List at vsws.ap.gov.in
Name of Organization : Andhra Pradesh Panchayati Raj and Rural Development
Name of the Post/Designation : Panchayat Secretary, VRO, MPEO, Live Stock Assistant, ANM, Women Police Attendant, Electrical Assistant, Grameena Engineer, Welfare Assistant, Digital Assistant
Number of vacancies : 16208 Vacncies
Exam Date: 20th to 26th September, 2020
Selection Process: Written Exam and Document Verification
Job Type: AP Govt Jobs
Work Location: Andhra Pradesh
Category Name: Result
Interviews by Selection Committee September 2020
Intimation letters to Select Volunteers September 2020
Induction and Training Programme September 2020
Positioning of Volunteers: October 2020
Official Site: http://vsws.ap.gov.in/ or gramasachivalaya.ap.gov.in or wardsachivalayam.ap.gov.in
AP Ward Sachivalayam Merit List 2020
A huge number of the candidates attempted exam across the Andhra Pradesh State. It is not possible to appoint all candidates for empty posts. Therefore, only eligible and talented contenders will be shortlisted. AP GS merit list 2020 helps to screen eligible candidates. Andhra Pradesh Grama Sachivalayam Selection List 2020 will be prepared on behalf of the marks /rank secured in the written test. According to the instructions, the first part of the merit list shall comprise 20% of the posts containing combined local and out-state merit. IInd part shal consists of the Rest 80% of the posts with local contenders.
AP Grama Sachivalaya Exam Cut Off Marks 2020
Minimum qualifying marks for Andhra Pradesh Grama Sachivalayam written exam are mandatory to score. Otherwise, candidates will treat as disqualified. Minimum 60 marks are necessary for all unreserved contenders. Andhra Pradesh Grama Sachivalayam Cut off marks decide the order of contenders in the merit list. Andhra Pradesh GS Tentatively cut off 2020 is disclosed below.
AP Grama Sachivalayam Cut Off
Here are some essential factors that to be considered while deciding the cut off marks. AP Grama Sachivalayam board is going to announce the cutoff after the exam result declaration. Factors that consider while calculating the cut off marks are as follows
1. No of vacancies
2. Total Number of people attended the written test
3. Highest marks secured by people, etc
Note: This is only expected cutoff… We also update the official cut off for SC ST OBC General PWD candidates whenever it declared by authorities.
AP Grama Sachivalayam Selection Process
The selection process of AP Grama Sachivayalam Recruitment 2020 has 2 rounds. People need to qualify the selection rounds to get the jobs.
Written Test
Document Verification
AP Grama /ward Sachivalayam Merit list 2020 , Cutoff marks
AP Grama Sachivalayam Answer Keys
AP Grama sachivalayam toppers & Certificate Verification shedule
ఫలితాల ప్రకటన అనంతరం, అర్హులైన అభ్యర్థులు తమ ఒరిజినల్ సర్టిఫికేట్ లను వెబ్ సైట్ నందు అప్లోడ్ చేయవలెను. తరువాత జిల్లా యంత్రాంగం ద్వారా తెలుపబడిన తేదిలలో నిర్ణీత ప్రదేశములకు వెళ్లి వారి సర్టిఫికేట్ లను తనిఖి చేయించుకోవలెను.
వెరిఫికేషన్ షెడ్యూలు
AP Grama/ Ward Sachivalayam Jobs 2020 Notifications details
AP Grama/ ward Sachivalayam Results Merit list 2020 , Cutoff marks
Tagged With: AP Grama, ward Sachivalayam Results, AP Grama Sachivalayam Cut off marks, AP Grama Sachivalayam Result 2020, www.ap.gov.in http://vsws.ap.gov.in/ AP Grama Panchayat Secretary Results 2020 AP Grama Panchayat Secretary Exam result, How to check cutoff marks ? AP Grama Sachivalayam Cutoff marks Objection, AP Grama Sachivalayam Cutoff marks – Calculation of Marks. Grama Sachivalayam Exam Cutoff marks 2020 Objection Form, Calculation of Marks AP Grama Panchayat Secretary Results 2020 AP Grama Panchayat Secretary merit list, How to check cutoff marks ? AP Grama Sachivalayam Cutoff marks , AP Grama Sachivalayam Cutoff marks – Calculation of Marks. AP Grama Sachivalayam Cutoff marks 2020 AP Grama Sachivalayam 1st September Exam Key Paper 2020 AP Grama Sachivalaya Cutoff marks Paper 2020 Details. Andhra Pradesh Grama Sachivalaya Exam final Key Paper 2020 Steps to Download the AP Grama/Ward Sachivalaya results 2020 Download AP Grama Sachivalayam merit, selection list 2020. Andhra Pradesh Grama Sachivalayam has selected candidates for filling up more than 1.26 lakh vacancies in various posts such as Panchayat Secretary, VRO, MPEO, animal husbandry assistant, village fisheries, sericulture, horticulture, agriculture assistant, ANM, Electrical Assistant, Grameena Engineer, Welfare Assistant, Women Police Attendant, Digital Assistant etc. AP Grama Sachivalayam was released results on october 2020