TS Gruhalakshmi Housing Scheme 2023-2024 Applications, Eligibility, Benefits, Selection List (3 Lakh full subsidy to build New House)

Gruhalakshmi Housing Scheme 2023-2024 Telangana Online Applications, 3 Lakh Rupees with full subsidy to build new house, Eligibility, Benefits, Guidelines Selection List

Gruhalakshmi Housing Scheme 2023-2024 Telangnana Applications, Eligibility, Benefits, Selection List 3 Lakh full subsidy to build new House : TS GruhaLakshmi Scheme Guidelines Released By Telangana Government vide GO. MS No 25. Government of Telangana has designed a new housing scheme named Gruhakshmi, so that the poor in the state can lead a dignified life. Gruhalakshmi Scheme 2023-2024 Telangnana Applications (3 Lakh full subsidy to build House) Eligibility, Benefits, Selection List . They will give Rs.3 lakhs in three phases with full subsidy for the construction of houses to the poor who have their own land. The responsibility of building the house (Beneficiary Led Construction-BLC) Assistance to individual eligible families to construct new house on their own is entirely with the beneficiary. It said that the house will be granted in the name of the woman. Beneficiaries are given flexibility to choose their favorite design. While the government approved Grulahkshmi logo will be installed on the house benefited by the scheme, it has been suggested that the concerned family should have a food security card. The scheme will be implemented under the supervision of the Collectors in the districts and under the supervision of the Commissioner in the GHMC. The government has said in the guidelines that the government will provide financial assistance for the construction of RCC houses with two rooms.

Gruhalaxmi New Housing Scheme 2023 for construction of houses in own sites under Beneficiary Led Constructions (BLC) mode- Applications

Government of Telangana hereby commence the New Housing Scheme for construction of houses in own sites under Beneficiary Led Construction (BLC) mode named as Gruhalakshmi Scheme in the State of Telangana with a sanction of 3000 houses per Assembly Constituency and a state reserve of 43,000 totaling to 4,00,000 houses with financial assistance of Rs. 3 lakh per house as 100% subsidy with an aim to provide dignified living to poor families in the State. Accordingly, the following guidelines are issued for implementation of said programme by the District Collectors In the Districts and Commissioner, GHMC in GHMC area.

Telangana Gruhalakshmi Scheme 2023-2024 – overview

Topic Details
Post title Gruhalakshmi Scheme 2023-2024 Telangnana Applications, Eligibility, Benefits, Selection List
Name of the Scheme GruhaLakshmi Scheme
subject TS Govt will give 3 Lakh Rupees with full subsidy in 3 installments to those who have own land to build House
Initiated by Government of Telangana
Objective To provide dignified living to poor families in the State
Year 2023
State Telangana
Beneficiaries Telangana Citizens
Amount of Benefit 3 Lakh Rupees
Financial assistance as 100% subsidy
Applications submission starts From started
Last date for submission of applications 10th August 2023
Official website https://tshousing.cgg.gov.in/

Telangana GruhaLakshmi Scheme Guidelines 2023

  1. Telangana Government will give 3 Lakh Rupees with full subsidy in 3 installments to those who have own land to build House under TS Gruha Lakshmi Scheme.
  2. Four lakh houses across the state.
  3. Three Thousand beneficiaries will be picked from each Assembly constituency in the state under the supervision of Collectors
  4. Scheme will be allotted to the women in the family
  5. Food Security Card Holders only eligible for the TS Gruha Lakshmi Scheme.

Eligibility Criteria for Gruhalakshmi Scheme

Who are Eligible for TS Gruhalakshmi Scheme ?

  • Beneficiary or any of the family member should have valid food security card (FSC).
  • Beneficiary should have house site.
  • Beneficiary should be resident of the village/ULB(to be ascertained with voter ID/Aadhar)
  • Should be resident of the local village.
  • Should own a plot to construct the house under the Scheme of Telangana Grulakshmi
  • Should be holder of Aadhaar or Voter ID Card with local address.

Exclusion Criteria:

Who are not Eligible for Telangana Gruhalakshmi Scheme?

Target Group :

The following SC/ST/BC/Minorities Caste composition shall be adhered to in selection of beneficiaries in each Assembly Constituency. SC- not less than 20%, ST- not less than 10%, BCs and Minorities — not less than 50%.

House construction guidelines:

Norms to Construct the House under Gruhalakshmi Scheme ?

  • This scheme is applicable only for construction of two bed RCC house.
  • The final decision regarding the design of the house rests with the owner.
  • The house shall be sanctioned in the name of women/widower.
  • Beneficiary is permitted to adopt his own type design (Beneficiaries may build the house as per their own Plan of Construction)
  • 2 Room house with RCC framed structure shall be constructed along with toilet.
  • Gruhalakshmi logo as approved by the Government shall be fixed on the houses sanctioned under this scheme.

Sanction of houses:

a. The District Collector will receive applications from public and public representatives.

b. The applications will be scrutinized for eligibility and list of eligible applicants’ will be finalised by the District Collector.

c. The Government i.e. District In-charge Minister will sanction houses in phased manner.

d. Balance eligible applicants over and above sanctioned houses will be declared as Permanent Wait List (PWL) for that village/Ward, which will be considered in future sanctions.

Monitoring of the Gruhalakshmi Scheme:

a. The District Collector will be the nodal officer for Gruhalakshmi in districts.

b. In GHMC area, Commissioner, GHMC will be the Nodal officer for Gruhalakshmi Scheme.

c. Field inspections and uploading of bills shall be done by the officials identified by the District Collectors/ Commissioner, GHMC as Maker at Village/Ward level and Checker at Mandal/Circie level.

d. The District Collector/Commissioner, GHMC will act as approver for making stage wise payments.

e. After approval by the District Collector/Commissioner, GHMC payments will be released from State Nodal account to beneficiary’s account directly.

Gruhalakshmi Portal

a. A separate Gruhalakshmi portal and Mobile application shall be developed for implementation of the scheme by the Managing Director, TSHCL with the coordination of Centre for Good Governance (CGG).

b. Start to End processes shall be done through online portal only.

c. Uploading of photos with Geographical coordinates with date and time stamps in 3 stages of the houses i.e. Basement Level, Roof laid stage and Completion stage shall be done.

Payment to beneficiaries:

  • Rs.3.00 lakhs financial assistance as 100% subsidy will be extended to the beneficiary.
  • Payments will be made in 3 Stages @ Rs.1 lakh per stage i.e. Basement Level stage, Roof Laid stage and Completion stage.
  • A separate bank account shall be opened in the name of woman beneficiary / widower and Jandhan account shall not be utilized for this purpose due to transaction limits.


a. The Managing Director, TSHCL shall monitor the scheme at state level and report to Government.

b. The Managing Director, TSHCL is authorized to issue necessary operational guidelines for execution of Gruhalakshmi scheme from time to time and also explore the possibility of dovetailing the Gruhaiakshmi scheme with GoI housing schemes.

Telangnana Gruhalakshmi Scheme 2023-2024 Applications, Eligibility, Benefits, Selection List

TS Gruhalakshmi Scheme 2023-2024 Application form

 Click here to download pdf

TS Gruhalakshmi Guidelines 

TS Gruhalakshmi Guidelines GO MS No 25 pdf


TS Gruhalakshmi Scheme 2023-2024 Online Applications