GO.150 New TA &DA Rules-Travelling Allowances,Daily Allowances and Lodging Charges in PRC-2015
Andhra Pradesh Revised TA Rules-Travelling,Daily Allowances and Conveyances,Lodging Charges in PRC-2015. AP GO 150,Dated:11-12-2015,Allowances ,Civil Services Travelling Allowance Rules, Recommendations of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission,PRC...
RC.25 Revised Norms & Schedule For Work adjustment of Surplus Teachers.
RC.25 Revised Norms & Schedule For Work adjustment Of Surplus Teachers. Proceedings Of The Commissioner Of School Education Andhra Pradesh,Hyderabad Rc.No.25/Estt-III/2015,Dated:17-12-2015 Subject: School Education –...
Rationalisation/Reducing the DDO Powers of High school Head Masters.
Rationalisation/Reducing the DDO Powers of High schoool Head Masters. Office Of The Commissioner Of School Education, A.P., Hyderabad. Memo.No:1/A1/2014 Dated:16-12-2015. Subject: CSE – Rationalisation of...
AP LP CET 2015 Spot Admissions instructions RC.3172
RC.3172 LP ECET-2015 – Language Pandit Training Course 2015-16 –providing services for LP CET 2015 Spot Admission – instructions Andhra Pradesh State Government has been...
Knowledge Mission Sub-committee for establishment Education City/Hubs in A.P. State GO.No.50
GO.50 Knowledge Mission Sub-committee for establishment Education City/Hubs in A.P. State Government Of Andhra Pradesh G.O.MS.No.50,Higher Education (UE) Department ,Dated: 14-12-2015 Subject: Higher Education-Knowledge Mission-...
GO.159 PHC Allowances to Physically Handicapped,Deaf and Blind Employees of AP in RPS-2015
GO.159 PHC & Conveyance Allowance to Deaf,Blind and Physically Handicapped employees of A.P in PRC-2015 GO.159,PHA,PHC Allowances, Handicapped Allowances, Conveyance Allowances,AP PHC Allowances,Conveyance Allowance to...
GO.169 Enhancement of Flag Day Fund Contribution from A.P.State Govt Employees.
GO.169 Enhancement of Flag Day Fund collection of Contribution by the A.P.State Govt Employees. Government of Andhra Pradesh G.O.MS.No.169,Home (Services.IV) Department, Dt:11-12-2015 Subject: ARMED FORCES...
RC.279 Modifications to AP Schools time table for 2015-16
RC.279 Modifications to A.P.Schools time table for the academic year 2015-16. Proceedings Of The Director, S.C.E.R.T, A.P., Hyderabad Rc.No.279/B/TE/SCERT/2015 Dated: 28-11-2015 Subject: SCERT, A.P., Hyderabad...
GO.147 Staff Sanctioned to new AP Social Welfare Residential Schools.
GO.147 Teaching and non-teaching staff Sanctioned to the newly established(9) AP Social Welfare Residential Schools under SCSP 2013-14. Government Of Andhra Pradesh G.O.MS.No.147,Finance (HR.II) Department,...