Cancellation of Deputations, Not to depute Teachers as PAs to public representatives-Select the PAs other than teachers.
Cancellation of Deputations, Not to depute Teachers as PAs to public representatives-Select the PAs other than teachers. Cancellation of Deputations, Not to depute Teachers as...
Dr YSR TS ST Study Circle Free Coaching Admissions 2016 for different competitive Exams of State& Central .
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MDM Scheme Guidelines for Supervision, Testing of Quality of Meals in TS Schools
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TS Schools SA1 /Summative1 Exams Conducting Guidelines 2016-2017
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Telangana 17 New Districts Formation Citizens can file Suggestions/Objections at Telangana New Districts Portal
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Telangana New Districts Formation/Re-Organization-District Wise Notification GO.361 to GO.369
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TSPSC to fill up AEE/Assistant Executive Engineer posts in Irrigation Department.
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TS New Districts -Cabinet Sub-Committee for Recommendation on Creation of New Districts in Telangana.
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AZADI 70th year of Independence – Yaad Karo Kurbani -Freedom Fortnight Activities from 9th to 23rd Aug,2016 in TS Schools
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TS EAMCET 2019 @
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