TSPSC Departmental Tests November 2024 Notification Session TSPSC.GOV.IN

Telangana TSPSC Departmental Tests November 2024 Session. Notification- Exam dates, Hall Tickets, Online Applications @ tspsc.gov.in

TSPSC Departmental Tests Notification November 2024 Session Online applications, exam dates. Telangana State Public Service Commission :: Hyderabad. Departmental Tests – November -2024 Session. Notification  Exam Dates Apply Online @tspsc.gov.in . #TSPSC is going to release the Departmental Tests May / November 2024 Session Notification 2024 .

Applications are invited On-line from the employees of Telangana State through the proforma made available on the Official WEBSITE of the Commission http://www.tspsc.gov.in . Departmental Examinations for May/ November-2024 Session will be held from at   District Head Quarters of Telangana state including Hyderabad District.   

The candidates may apply online through TSPSC OTR  . For details and other necessary information, the candidates are instructed to go through the Notification carefully which will be available on the Commission’s official web-site www.tspsc.gov.in.

TS Departmental Tests November 2024  Online applications, Exam dates details-TSPSC


  • It is to inform that the Departmental Tests will be conducted on On-Line mode with CBT (Computer Based Test) method for November- 2024 Session vide Notification No.04/2024.  
  •  Applications are invited On-line from the employees of Telangana State through the proforma made available on the Official WEBSITE of the Commission https://www.tspsc.gov.in
  • Online applications available from 12/09/2024 to 25/09/2024.
  • Departmental Tests november- 2024 Session scheduled to be held in November 2024 at (09) erstwhile District Head Quarters of Telangana State including Hyderabad district clubbed with Rangareddy District & HMDA limits. For details and other necessary information, the candidates are instructed to go through the Notification carefully which is available on the Commission’s official web-site www.tspsc.gov.in. 


I. Tests prescribed for the employees of respective Departments:
a) Only the employees working in the respective departments of Telangana State are eligible to apply for the tests that are prescribed in their respective Departmental Service Rules.
b) However, Secretariat employees, wherever the rules permit, are allowed to appear for any Departmental Test in order to get eligibility for appointment by transfer / promotion to other Services.
I. Commercial Taxes Department : P.C.Nos. 6 & 7 (Conventional Type)
II. Treasuries & Accounts Department : P.C.Nos. 31,46,64,79,89,100,114 & 129 (Typists-cum-Assts. working in Finance and Planning (Finance Wing) are also eligible to appear for the tests
III. Sericulture Department : P.C.Nos. 32,47,65,80,90,101,115, 130 &143
IV. Mines & Geology Department : P.C.Nos. 150 only
V. Divisional Test : P.C.Nos. 30, 63, 81,113 & 138
VI. Works Accounts Service : P.C.Nos. 44, 78, 99, and 128.
VII. Workshop Officers : P.C.Nos.14 & 29
VIII. T.S. Public Service Commission : P.C.No. 149
IX. Open to all, whether the applicant is in : P.C.Nos. 5, 8, 10, 18, 19, 27, 28, 36,Government Service or not. 43, 45, 49, 62, 67, 77, 98,108,127,136,137,141,142, 144 to 148 & 155
N.B: The respective Service Rules should be referred to by the candidates for deciding the eligibility or otherwise to apply for the tests. Any applicant can apply for other than above mentioned Tests referred in the Annexure III whether working in the respective Department or not.


Special Conditions Prescribed for certain Tests.

A) Senior Assistants/Superintendents Working in the offices of Director of Accounts in projects and Accounts Branches of the Divisions of the Public works Department, Roads and Buildings, Irrigation, Public Health Engineer Department and Panchayat Raj Engineering Department, Divisions of P.W.(Engineering) Departments who have been working as such for a period of three years or more are allowed to appear for Divisional Tests. Candidates appearing for the Divisional Test should furnish the filled in service certificate wh ich is availab le in t he Comm ission‟s W ebsit e to that effect the service rendered in the Category of Senior Assistant in Engineering Department and get the signature with seal of the Controlling Officer of parent department as per the particulars shown in their Service Register. The Service Certificate duly signed by the Controlling Officer should be scanned and uploaded. Otherwise their applications will summarily be rejected. Employees working in Local Bodies may also apply for the Divisional Tests. But their admission is provisional, subject to their eligibility as per G.O.Ms.No. 86, Finance & Planning (FW.WA-1) Department, dt. 22/05/1998. Commerce graduates who claim exemption from passing Paper-I of Part-I of Divisional Test (P.C.No. 30) should furnish information in the Application Form, failing which, their Applications will not be considered for exemption of Paper-I of Part-I of the Divisional Test.

B) Candidates applying for “Departmental Test for Mines and Geology” (P.C. Nos.150) should furnish scanned Service Certificate duly signed by the Controlling Officer and uploaded in the web-site. Otherwise their applications will be rejected.

C) Candidates appearing for Fisheries Department Test-II should furnish the information regarding satisfactory completion of training from Head of the Departments concerned.

D) Candidates applying for “Deputy Inspectors Test” have to appear for all the three papers in their first attempt. However, they can appear for each paper separately in subsequent attempts. For Papers on “Educational Statistics”, Public Instructions Report for the year 1980-81 is prescribed. The candidates who have applied previously should furnish the information in the Application Form.

E) Candidates appearing for Criminal Judicial Test with Law Qualification should furnish the information in the Application Form for seeking exemption from passing Paper-I & II of the above Test, failing which their applications will not be considered for exemption from passing Papers I & II of the Test.

F) In case of Gujarathi (P.C.No.6) and Marwari (P.C.No.7) Language Tests, the application should be forwarded by the Head of the Department as an evidence to claim applicant‟s eligibility as per relevant Rules. (Candidates should download the filled in application form duly attested by HOD and upload in the Commission‟s website).

G) Second Class Language Test (P.C.No.05), Special Language Test for Officers of Education Department of Higher Standard (P.C.No.37) / Lower Standard (P.C.Nos.36,49,67) / and the Translation Test (P.C.Nos.19 & 28), will be conducted in Telugu/Urdu/Hindi/Tamil/Kannada/Oriya/Marathi. Special Language Test for Officers of Education Department (Advanced Standard) (P.C.NOs 58 & 74) will be conducted in Telugu and Urdu only. Candidates applying for these Tests should invariably mention the language for the Tests. They should write the exam in the chosen language only otherwise their answer sheets will not be valued. Third Class Language Test (P.C.No.155) will be conducted in Telugu/Urdu/Hindi.

H) Candidates should pass all the parts of Second Class/Third Class Language Tests (P.C.Nos. 5,6,7 & 155) at a time as per the revised scheme of examination in terms of existing G.O.Ms.No. 190, GA (Ser. C) Department, dt: 18/04/2002. However, successful candidates who pass the Part-A (Written Examination) of Paper Codes 5, 6 and 7 will only be admitted to the Parts B, C & D (Viva-Voce/Oral Test). Third Class Language Test (PC No. 155) have VIVA Voce only. Candidates who appear the conventional examination of Special Language Test for Officers of the Education Department (P.C.Nos.36,49,67) will be called for the VIVA-VOCE examination. Candidates should pass all the parts of (P.C.Nos. 36,49,67) at a time as per the scheme of examination. Date and place of Oral Test will be intimated separately at appropriate time to the eligible candidates.

I) Survey and Land Records subordinate personnel working in Telangana Region should apply for the papers meant for Telangana Region of Survey and Land records Departmental Tests. Commission reserves right to cancel the examination of such papers prescribed for Andhra region (PC No.s 55, 72 & 109,118 & 111,120 & 116,133). PC No. 154 i.e. DT for Sericulture Department, Part – III (Practical Test) repealed by Govt vide G.O. RT. No. 09, Agriculture & Co Operation (HORTI.& SERI) Department, Dated: 06.01.2017.

J) Staff of the Survey and Land Records Department are allowed to answer “Survey & Settlement Surveyor’s Test” Higher Grade / Lower Grade, in one language only i.e., either in English or Telugu or Urdu.

K) The Candidates should mention in the Application Form, the language in which they desire to appear in addition to English for the Tests which require language to be chosen. They should write the exam in the chosen language only otherwise their answer sheets will not be valued.


As per the (a) GO Ms No. 10, SE Dept, Dated 23.01.2009, (b) GO Ms No.20, SE Dept, Dated 27.01.2009 And According to GO Ms No 23, Dated:28.01.2009 must have passed the following four departmental tests for 12 years scale sanction in School Assistant and LFL HM category and for 24 year scale sanction in SGT / LP / PET equivalent categories.

  • 1. Departmental Tests for Gazetted Officers of the Edn Dept. (GOT)
  • 2. Account Test for Executive Officers. (EOT)
  • 3. Special Language Test for the Officers of the Education Department in Telugu Higher Standard. (Exemption: Those who have studied Telugu as a subject at Intermediate or its equivalent or Higher Degree level are not required to write this test. There is an exception.)
  • 4. Special Language Test for the Officers of the Education Department in Hindi / Urdu of Lower Standard. (Exemption: Those who have studied HINDI / URDU as a subject in SSC exam or equivalent or later levels are not required to write this test. There is an exception. All are Hindi or Urdu is compulsorily studied as a second language in Tenth. Therefore, Exemption from this test is applicable to almost everyone.)

TSPSC Departmental Tests May 2024 exam dates  

TS Dept Tests May 2024  Schedule 

  • Paper Code 141. The Accounts Test for Executive Officers (WITH BOOKS): – FORENOON 10.00 AM TO 12.00 NOON
  • Paper Code 88 : Departmental Test for Gazetted Officers of the Education Department, First Paper (WITH BOOKS) :   – FORENOON – 10.00 AM TO 12.00 NOON
  • Paper Code 97 : Departmental Test for Gazetted Officers of the Education Department, Second Paper (WITH BOOKS) :   AFTERNOON 2.30 PM TO 4.30 PM
  • Paper Code 37. Special Language Test for Officers of the Education Department, Higher Standard (WITHOUT BOOKS) 3hours (10.00 AM to 1.00PM)  :  – AFTERNOON  – 3hours (2.30PM to 5.30 PM)


i) All the Tests except the Language and Survey Tests will be in Objective Mode.
ii) These Objective papers shall be conducted in CBT (COMPUTER BASED TEST) method of examination on On-Line mode and the candidates have to attempt the exam accordingly on computer systems provided by the Commission in the examination centers allotted to them on the scheduled dates detailed in Time table in Annexure I
iii) P.C.Nos. 5,6,7, 19,28, 36,49,67, 37, 58,74 pertaining to Language papers and P.C.Nos. 69,87,110,112,117,119,121,122,134 & 135 of Survey & Settlement papers will be conducted in Conventional/Descriptive Mode.
iv) The Duration for all objective type tests shall be of (2) Hours and duration for descriptive type tests shall be of (3) Hours except for Second Class Language test which will be of two (2) Hours duration.
v) The Candidates appearing for Conventional papers (Descriptive Exams) will be supplied answer books attached to O.M.R Sheet and the candidates have to answer in the answer book with Blue or Black Pen only.
vi) The Questions for Departmental Tests will be in English only. However for (i) “Survey and Settlement Surveyor‟s Test” (Higher Grade / Lower Grade) and (ii) “Translation Tests”, question papers will be in the chosen language, besides English.
vii) The following Government Departments (08) concerned have approved modified syllabus and issued G.O.s. Accordingly, TSPSC conduct Departmental examinations as per modified Syllabus to the following Paper Codes: (The detailed Scheme & Syllabus is appended at Annexure – II) *Remaining Paper codes to be conduct with existing Syllabus.

1. Commissioner of Sericulture (PC.No.s.32,65,90,115,47,80,101,130,143)
2. Commissioner of Fisheries Dept., (PC No.s. 15,24,56,85)
3. The Commissioner of Labour Department (PC No.s. 22,40,57)
4. The Director of Boilers Department (PC No. 75.)
5. Chief Electrical Inspector (PC No.s. 152,153)
6. DG & IG Prisons & Correctional services (PC No.s. 33,48,66,82)
7. Director of Animal Husbandry Dept., (PC No. 51)
8. The Managing Director of TS Transco (P.C.No.s 41,59 & 140)

Mode of Examination

Duration of the  Examination

1st Session

2nd Session

Objective Type (CBT Method) 

2 Hours (120 Minutes)

10.00 am to 12.00 Noon

2.30 pm to 4.30 pm

Conventional Type 

3 Hours (180 Minutes)

10.00 am to 1.00 pm

2.30 pm to 5.30 pm

Examination Centres.






















Note   : The Commission reserves right to allot  candidates to any centre other than the centre chosen / where the candidate is working or  to cancel  a centre and or to create a new centre for  administrative     reasons     &  may  also  be  allotted  in jurisdiction of HMDA in Hyderabad & RangaReddy as per the availability of infrastructure. See Para i & ii before opting centre.

How to Apply :-

The candidates are instructed to read the notification thoroughly before applying. For any details and clarifications, the candidates are advised to visit Commission‟s Official web-site http://www.tspsc.gov.in.

The candidates are instructed to be careful while submitting the details at the time of submission of on-line application as the details once submitted cannot be amended at all. It is candidate‟s responsibility that the details submitted are true and genuine. Representation or request in what so ever manner will not be entertained in this regard.

STEP 1:-The applicants have to login to the website (www.tspsc.gov.in) and to first fill DTE Application form with their basic details like Name, Father Name, DOB etc.. and get their DTE Id. While filling the same, the candidates have to ensure that there are no mistakes done. The Commission bears no responsibility for the mistakes made by the candidates. (If candidates already have DTE ID number then he/she can proceed to STEP-II.)

STEP.2:- The applicant has to click on Fill Application Form link to provide his/her DTE Id, DOB and Mobile Number and click on Go button. The basic details of the applicant will be automatically pre-populated and the applicants need to select the Tests and Papers for which they wish to appear.

STEP.3:– Immediately on entering the above details and clicking on Pay Now button, the applicants will be redirected to the Payment Gateway page.

STEP.4:- The applicant should pay the prescribed fee as specified using his/her desired payment mode (Internet Banking / Credit Card / Debit card) available in the Payment gateway. Separate instructions have to be followed for each mode of payment.

STEP.5:-After successful payment of fee, the Application receipt will be generated which contains the particulars furnished by the applicants. The Application Reference Number in the Application form has to be quoted for future reference/correspondence. The Applications received On-line in the prescribed proforma provided in the Commission‟s website within the stipulated time shall only be considered and the Commission will not be held responsible for any kind of discrepancy.

Fee & Procedure for remittance of Fee.

(i) The Examination fee for each Paper is Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred only). However, no fee is prescribed for the Tests in Gujarathi and Marwari Languages.
(ii) The applicant shall pay Rs. 400/-(Rupees Four Hundred Only) towards Application processing fee for each test, besides the examination fee payable to the Secretary, T.S. Public Service Commission, Hyderabad through Net-Banking/ Debit/ Credit Card in TS On-line or e-pay from  12/09/2024 to 25/09/2024  by 05:00 PM.

Important Dates:

TSPSC Departmental Tests November 2024  Examination schedule is given below.

1. Date of Issue of Notification : 12/09/2024
2. Date of Commencement for applying online : 25/09/2024
3. Last date for submission of application online : 25/10/2024 by 5.00 PM
4. Schedule of Examinations : will be announced later
5. Hall Tickets will be hosted on official Web-site : 07 days before commencement of Examination.

APPLY  ONLINE for TSPSC Departmental Tests  November 2024  Session












Departmental Test for Gazetted Officers of the Education Department, First Paper (WITH BOOKS) 2 hours



  FORENOON – 10.00 AM TO 12.00 NOON 



Departmental Test for Gazetted Officers of the Education Department, Second Paper (WITH BOOKS) 2 hours






The Accounts Test for Executive Officers

(WITH BOOKS) 2 hours


FORENOON 10.00 AM TO 12.00 NOON 



Special Language Test for Officers of the Education Department, Higher Standard (WITHOUT BOOKS) 3hours


AFTERNOON – (2.30PM to 5.30 PM)

 Click here to Submit Online Application for TSPSC Dept Tests 


1) Candidates shall report at the venue One and half hour before the Commencement of Examination as the candidates have to undergo certain procedural formalities required for on-line examination.
2) Examination will be commenced as specified under Para III.
3) The examination link with the login screen will already be available on system provided to the candidate. Please inform the invigilator if this is not the case.
4) 15 minutes prior to the exam, candidate shall be prompted to login. The candidate
should type the Login ID (Hall ticket No) and the Password (Password for Candidate will be given on exam day) to proceed further.
5) Invigilator will announce the password (15) minutes before commencement of examination.

6) Copying or noting down questions and/or options is not allowed. Severe action will be taken if any candidate is found noting down the questions and/or options.

7) After logging in, The candidate‟s screen will display:

  •  Profile Information – Check the details & click on “I Confirm” or “I Deny”.
  •  Detailed exam instructions – Please read and understand thoroughly.
  • Please click on the “I am ready to Begin” button, after reading the instructions.

8) The candidate has to use the mouse to answer the multiple choice type questions with
FOUR alternative answers.
9) To answer any numerical answer type question, candidates need to use the virtual numeric key pad, mouse and virtual calculator.
10) On the online exam question screen, the timer will display the balance time remaining for
the completion of exam.
11) The question numbers are color coordinated and of different shapes based on the
process of recording candidate‟s response:

  • White (Square) – For un-attempted questions.
  •  Red (Inverted Pentagon) – For unanswered questions.
  •  Green (Pentagon) – For attempted questions.
  • Violet (Circle) – Question marked by candidate for review, to be answered later.
  •  Violet (Circle with a Tick mark) – Question answered and marked by candidate for review.

12) After answering a question, click the SAVE & NEXT button to save candidates response and move onto the next question.
13) Click on Mark for Review & NEXT to mark candidates question for review, and then go to the next question.
14) To clear any answer chosen for a particular question, please click on the CLEAR RESPONSE button.
15) A summary of each section, (i.e. questions answered, not answered, marked for review) is available for each section. The candidate has to place the cursor over the section name for this summary.
16) In case if the candidate wish to view a larger font size, he can inform the Invigilator. On the Invigilator’s confirmation, click on the font size to select. The font size will be visible on the top.
17) The candidate may view INSTRUCTIONS at any point of time during exam, by clicking on the INSTRUCTIONS button on screen.
18) Candidates are advised to keep checking the timer on the screen.
19) In case of automatic or manual log out, all attempted responses of the candidate will be saved and the exam will start from the time where it had stopped.
20) The candidate will be provided a blank sheet for rough work. Login ID and Password may be written on it. Candidates should ensure that they return it to the invigilator at the end of the exam after tearing ONLY the password from it.
21) Candidates are instructed not to touch the key board as exam ID of the candidate will get locked. If ID gets locked, a nearby invigilator may be informed who will help in unlocking the ID to continue with the exam.
22) Please inform the invigilator in case of any technical issues.
23) All the articles other than the Hall ticket(admit card), photo identity proof and pen, have to be left outside the exam room.
24) The candidate cannot leave exam room before submitting the paper.