KNRUHS BAMS/ BHMS/ BUMS , BNYS Counselling, web options 2020
KNRUHS BAMS/BHMS/BUMS & BNYS Counselling,web options 2020. Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health & Sciences (KNRUHS) has released BAMS/BHMS/BUMS & BNYS Phase-1, Phase-2 Counselling/Certificate Verification Notification 2020. The details of vacant seats available due to non-joining of 1st phase counseling and newly permitted seats will be placed in the, / . Candidates can exercise web options for admission into vacant and newly permitted seats in BAMS/BUMS/BHMS & BNYS in colleges of Telangana State (OU area) under KNR UHS .
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KNRUHS BAMS/BHMS/BUMS & BNYS 2nd Counselling 2020:
Kaloji Narayana Rao University Of Health Sciences,Telangana:: Warnagal Admission Into BAMS/BHMS/BUMS & BNYS Courses For The Year 2020-21 Notification for Second Phase of Counseling for filling up of the Seats Into the affiliated Ayush Colleges in State of Telangana
In continuation of earlier notification dated 18.10.2020, the University proposes to conduct 2nd phase of counseling to fill up the vacant seats, left over after 1st phase of counseling and newly permitted seats in Ayush colleges of Telangana State (OU area) on 17.11.2020 & 18.11.2020 . Newly permitted colleges are DEV College of Homeopathy for BHMS and Al Arif Unani Medical College, Hyderabad for BUMS.
Candidates can exercise Web options for admission into vacant and newly permitted seats in BAMS / BUMS/ BHMS & BNYS in colleges of Telangana State (OU area) under KNR UHS
Special category candidates can exercise web options for of PH Seats and NCC seat for the year 2020-21
Important Instructions:
1. The candidates who had their original certificates verified in the first and final phase of verification of certificates only are eligible to exercise their options online from Home or any Internet facility center.
2. The candidates who secured admission in 1st phase of counseling and joined who wish to change their college/course according to their merit, can also exercise their web options.
3. For eligibility criteria and regulations referred to first notification dated: 18-10-2020.
Selected Candidates have to pay Rs. 8,000/- for BAMS/ BUMS / BHMS & BNYS Courses by way of Demand Draft in favour of Registrar, KNR University of Health Sciences payable at Warangal and report at the respective college along with allotment letter and all original certificates.
Candidates are informed to check their final allotment, take printout of allotment letter from the web, and report to the respective colleges on or before the date furnished on the allotment letter, failing which the candidate will lose the admission
Candidates who are satisfied with their college allotment in the 1st phase of counseling are informed that they need not give web options again.
The candidates who have already secured a seat and have joined in the 1st Phase of counseling, opted for and are allotted to other College in 2nd Phase should note that, their seat allotted in the 1st Phase of counseling is automatically cancelled. They have to report at the new college with allotment letter and original certificates taken from previous college and they need not pay University fee again.
TUITION FEE: As per existing Government guidelines for Govt. / Pvt. (Minority/ Non-Minority) AYUSH Colleges.
Candidates while giving options should note that the seats vacated by the candidates selected in first counseling and slided to other college / course during 2nd phase of counseling process will be added & allotted simultaneously during 2nd phase of counseling itself. Hence, candidates are informed to give options for all colleges irrespective of vacancies shown in seat matrix.
The details of vacant seats available due to non-joining of 1st phase counseling and newly permitted seats will be placed in the / on 16-11-2020.
1) The candidates can exercise web options through
2) The selected candidates shall submit all original certificates and pay the University fee by way of Demand Draft in favour of Registrar, KNRUHS payable at Warangal and Tuition fee (as detailed in the earlier notification dated 18-10-2020.
3) The University fee and other fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
4) NCC merit list Annexure-B displayed on website.
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# KNRUHS BAMS/BHMS/BUMS & BNYS Counselling 2020
#Exercise web options for BAMS/BHMS/BUMS/ BNYS 2020
#KNRUHS BAMS/BHMS/BUMS & BNYS Seat Allotment Order 2020.
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