KNRUHS B.Sc Nursing, BPT & B.Sc MLT Seat Allotment Order 2020.
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KNRUHS B.Sc Nursing, BPT & B.Sc MLT Seat Allotment Order 2020:
KNR University of Health Sciences, Warangal, Telangana State hereby notify that the first and final verification of certificates for Web Based Counseling conducted for Admissions into B.SC., NURSING (4YDC) / POST BASIC B.SC., (NURSING) 2 YDC / BPT / B.SC., (MLT) Courses in Colleges in Telangana State under KNR University of Health Sciences. The candidates applied for admission into B.SC., NURSING (4YDC) /POST BASIC B.SC. (N) 2YDC / BPT / B.SC., (MLT) Courses. Exercise options after certificate verification as per the schedule Many candidates are eagerly waiting for this allotment result. KNRUHS will be released the BSC(4YDC)/ PBS(2YDC)/ BPT/BSC(MLT) Seat Allotment Order. So all the required candidates can check and download the Seat Allotment Order from here.
KNRUHS B.Sc Nursing, BPT & B.Sc MLT Seat Allotment Order 2020: Available
KNRUHS BSc(N),BPT,MLT Seat Allotments:
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#KNRUHS BSc(N),BPT,MLT Seat Allotment Order 2020
Allotment Details Student-wise
KNRUHS B.Sc Nursing, BPT & B.Sc MLT Seat Allotment Order 2020: Click Here
How to Download KNRUHS BSC(4YDC)/PBS(2YDC)/BPT/BSC(MLT) Seat Allotment Order 2020:
1. First Open ( Use Internet Explorer)
2. Candidate Login Enter ICR Form Number, Hall Ticket Number, Password , and Date of Birth
3. Download Allotment Order and Challan Form for Fees
4. Pay the Fees any Indian / Andhra Bank Any Branches.
5. Report the College with Challan Form and allotment order
Note: Failure to report by the date stipulated will automatically result in cancellation of seat. Next round of counseling (for exercising options) for left over seats in phase-I and not reported seats and new seats sanctioned in existing colleges or new Colleges sanctioned, if any, will be conducted.
#KNRUHS B.Sc(N),MLT,BPT Counselling Dates 2020
#Exercise web options for KNRUHS B.Sc(N), MLT,BPT 2020
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