U DISE+ 2023-2024 Schedule DCF / Data Capture Formats download from udiseplus.gov.in , data collection dates, Data Entry Guidelines
TS Schools Student U-DISE+ Collection of DCF / Data Capture Formats download and Data Entry Guidelines, Schedule for 2023-2024 at udiseplus.gov.in

U DISE Plus 2023-2024 schedule DCF / data collection dates
Unified DigitalInformation on School Education (UDISE +):
Timely and accurate data is the basis of sound and effective planning and decision-making. Towards this, the establishment of a well-functioning Sustainable Educational Management Information System is of utmost importance today.
Unified District Information System for Education Plus (UDISE+) is one of the largest Management Information Systems initiated by Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Education, GoI covering more than 14.89 lakhs of schools, 95 lakhs of teachers and 26.5 crores of children.
UDISE+ : Expected Outcomes & Benefits
- Enables real-time exchange of information and provides a platform for online uploading of school related details (UDISE+ data).
- Provides a platform to organize and classify all school data across the country, and build a credible database of school data.
- Provides unique UDISE code to schools to uniquely identify them.
- Improved monitoring, measurement and tracking of vital KPIs related to school performance.
- Enables leveraging data analytics on school data to identify factors affecting school performances.
- Time-series data allows to study the trend over years and monitor improvement/growth.
- Rationalizes the capturing of school data – improves consistency and reduces error.
- Provides traceability and audit trails of officials uploading the school data, Provides improved security of the sensitive school/student data.
- Provides improved security of the sensitive school/student data.
- Provides insights on the status of school education in states/UTs including key performance levers and areas for improvement.
Sub:- TSS – Hyderabad – Collection of UDISE+ Data – Communication of UDISE+ DCF from School Information through ISMS portal i.e.. https://schooledu.telangana.gov.in/ISMS/ in school login by concerned IIM & Verification of student info and teacher info in ISMS portal – Instructions issued – Regarding.
All the District Educational Officers in the state are informed that, vide reference cited. instructions have already been issued to complete the uploading of student Information System and Teacher Information System in ISMS portal to start School Information System as pan of UDISE+
As per the instructions of Cot- it is mandatory to have UDISE Code to all the Schools (Jr. Colleges providing formal Education up to 124 class. For collections of UDISE data, the State Project Director has decided to make download option for UDISE. DCF Format in school login of ISMS website as per the last year. Data Capture Format (DCF) contains previous year infrastructure details along with present Student info and Teacher info data. The following steps have to be followed to update the UDISE+ on https://udiseplus.gov.in/ portal
(A) School Level: I. All Management Schools and Jr. Colleges have to submit UDISE+ information.
2. 100% Student info. Teacher info, Non-Teaching staff information is to be updated on ISMS portal
3. The School Headmasters Principals shall download the UDISE+ format from School login on ISMS Portal and shall take printout for verification and updating with data.
4. UDISE— format contains previous year uploaded school information and updated student info. Teaching/Non-teaching staff information
5. Child wise. Teacher wise data added to the UDISE+ format for downloading for verification by the Headmaster: Principal of the concerned School:College.
6. After verifying and updating. the Data Capture Format has to be handed over to the concerned School Complex I leadmaster. 7. Information of Students having 49 columns in child info online application has to be verified and updated. UDISE DCF contains age-wise, community-wise. gender-wise tables and also having performance of the students.
8. Teacher Info online application contains 58 columns (Pan-A and Pan-B) has to be updated for Teaching. Non-Teaching staff working on Regular / Convect basis in ISMS portal.
9. Infrastructure details such as Classrooms, Toilets. Drinking water facility, Compound wall. Playground, Ramps. Electricity. Dual Desks. Science Lab, Library. Sports. Computers. Projectors. KYAN, TV, ROT etc.. has to be provided updated information in the UDISE+ DCF.
10. All the information provided in DCF has to be certified by the Headmaster. If any deviation In the information provided in the DCF by the School Headmaster/ Principal, action will be initiated against the concerned as per rules.
TS Teachers Details Data Upload, Edit / Update Data Online
(B) Complex Level
1. Complex Ileadmasters. CRPs shall ensure to see all IIM’s download UDISE+ format from ISMS portal by using school login credentials.
2. Complex Headmaster and Cluster Resource Person have to verify the information submitted by the concerned School headmaster/principals with the recordstlast year UDISE format.
3. Complex Headmaster and Cluster Resource Persons have to physically visit the schools to verify filled DCF by comparing last Year UDISE+ DCF format
4. Complex Headmaster and CRP have to verify and certify that by signing on the UDISE formats of concerned Schools.
5. After complete verification and certification of data, the Complex Headmaster has to submit all schools DCFs to the Mandel Educational Officer concerned for data entry.
(C) Mandal Level
1. Mandal MIS Coordinator and Data Entry Operator arc responsible for data entry of UDISE+ information on the ISMS portal.
2. At the time of Data Entry of DCFs by the MIS Coordinator / Data Entry operator. the Cluster Resource Persons should be present and dictate the DCF for easy and accurate data entry
3. MEOs of Concerned MRCs have to make necesstry arrangements for data entry at mandal level like uninterrupted electricity. Internet facility etc.,
4. 25% of Schools UDISE+ DCFs have to be verified by the MED and submit the report in prescribed format to the district level in turn to state level by the District Officers.
5. After entering the data in the portal School Report Card will be generated on the portal. Headmaster/ Principal of concerned Schools / Colleges to verify; if any discrepancy identified is to be carried out on online at Mandril Mel and certified copy is to be submitted to the concerned Mandal Education Officer.
(D) District Level
1. DEOs shall ensure to see all HM’s download UDISE+ format from ISMS portal by using school login credentials.
2. Convergence meeting with Tribal Welfare. Social Welfare. Minority Welfare, BC Welfare and Intermediate Education to be conducted at district level in the presence of District Collector.
3. 10% of schools have to be verified at the District Level covering all managements
4. District Planning & MIS coordinator and Assistant Statistical Coordinator have to monitor the programme time to time to complete the data entry in time as per schedule.
5. APO / Technical Person who an involved in UDISE+ have to coordinate with Mandel MIS coordinators. Data entry Operators to address the technical issues.
6. Action plan shall be prepared to conduct workshop at district level for data entry of 15 UDISE+ formats per day to upload in the portal. For conduct of workshop financial norms will be communicated separately.
7. Regular review with MEOs, School Complex Headmasters, MIS Coordinators, Data Entry Operators. CRPs to be conducted time to time to monitor the collection of UDISE information and uploading on the Portal.
8. The DEOs shall gist strict instructions to the Headmasters/principab to fill up the correct data and School Complex I leadmasters. MEOs to sally UDISE+ DCF.
9. To monitor collection of UDISE data at district level. all the Coordinate , working under Samagra Shiksha has to be allotted as incharge of mandals 10 After Completion of all the Schools t Colleges data entry. the declaration has to be submitted by the MW by stating that all the Schools / Colleges Ilk aibbk under his / her jurisdiction has e been covered in UDISE+ and submitted correct information on the portal.
Further it is informed that the Govt. of India is providing rankings to the states through Performance Grading Index basing on the UDISI:+ data which covers 380 points (38%) out of 1000 points.
In view of the above DEOs &. Ex Officio Project Officers of all the districts are informed that to follow-up the schedule communicated from State level and instructions issued from time to time through proceedings. entails and what’s app groups with District level team If an, deviation in the matter action will be initiated against the concerned
Unified Digital Information on School Education UDISE+
I wish to inform you that as per the instructions of the Ministry of Education. Go!, New Delhi, data related to Schools/ Junior Colleges on the status of teaching staff, enrolment and other school information is being collected every year through Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE+). The Data Capture Format (DCF) has been kept in download option of School/Mandel login of ISMS portal.
The Head Master can download format from www.schookduielanstana.gm.in and update the Worrnation and submit to the concerned WO office. After collection & verification of the data it is to be entered in the Software provided in ISMS portal, the same will be furnished to MOE for merging at national level. I also wish to inform you that for the Scholarships. School Grants. Uniforms, Text Books, etc., will be provided based on the data provided in UDISE+. Further, I ‘wish to inform you that, detailed tentative schedule for collection of UDISE+ data have already been communicated to all the Dl Os in the State vide the ref. 2nd cited.
The various kinds of the steps to be followed for collection of the data from School level, Complex level, Mandal level & District level. In view of the above, I request you to issue necessary instructions to all the District Level Officers concerned with the Education i.e.. Intermediate Education, BC Welfare, SC Welfare. Tribal Welfare. Department of Labour and Minority Welfare to instruct the concerned to provide the data on priority basis and see that the uploading of the data in the portal of their district level workshop shall completed within the scheduled Lime. I enclose herewith a copy of the instructions issued from this office (Prot. dated: 17.05.2022) for your ready reference.
UDISE 2023 Latest Instructions RC.No.3692/TSS/MIS/T7/2022
Sl. No. | Activity | Dates |
1 | Preparation of software for printing of UDISE at State level | |
2 | Printing of U-DISE DCF & Instructions Manual from the software at State Level | |
3 | Convergence meeting with Heads of all Line Departments including Jr. Colleges | |
4 | Training and distribution of formats to MEOs & MIS Coordinators, RIOs (DIEOs) on UDISE formats at district level | |
5 | Video Conference on UDISE with MEOs and MIS Coordinators, Heads of Welfare Departments from State Level | |
6 | Orientation to all HMs / Principals of Govt & Localbody, Private, Heads of all Welfare Department schools (Tribal, Social, BC, Minority Welfare etc), Madarsas, NCLP Centers, KGBVs, Model Schools and Jr. Colleges etc., on UDISE formats and distribution of formats at Mandal level | |
7 | Filling up of UDISE formats data by School HMs and submission to MRCs | |
8 | Scrutiny and Cross-checking of 100 % DCF by CRC Coordinator and Scrutiny and Cross-checking of DCF by MRC level (pre-data punching checking) – 25% Scrutiny and Cross- checking of DCF by District level (pre-data punching check) – 5 schools from each Block (all in different clusters) | |
9 | Orientation to MIS Coordinators and Data Entry Operators on uploading UDISE data and Planning tables at district level | |
10 | Data Entry of DCFs by using U-DISE Software and Merging of all blocks, consistency checking and Report generation at district level | |
11 | Generation of School Report Cards at district level and verification by HMs and MEOs | |
12 | District-wise data verification and merging into UDISE software at State Project Office |
1. As per Government of India mandate the information to be collected in Student Data Capture Format of School Education Department right from pre-primary sections to higher secondary / Jr. Colleges.
2. A tentative schedule communicating by indicating dates to conduct training programmes, collection of data, verification at various levels and data entry etc. The entire exercise shall be completed as per the schedule as the data is very much essential for the formulation of SSA, RMSA, MDM Annual Plan and State Government Budget Plan for the year 2017-18.
3. Communication of dates of training programmes to the participants and arrangements for data entry at district point shall be taken up well in advance to avoid last minute confusion and delay in completion of the task.
4.District Collector may be requested to convene a meeting with the officials of stake holder departments i.e., Social Welfare, Tribal Welfare, BC Welfare, TSREIS and Intermediate Education to ensure their coordination in collection of Student U-DISE data from all the schools / colleges.
5. The following guidelines / format shall be got printed / Xeroxed at district level & provided to the concerned for taking necessary action:
a. General guidelines – for supervisory / verifying officers like DEOs, POs, Sectoral Officers, MEOs, School Complex HMs, RIOs / DVEOs of Intermediate Education. These guidelines shall be got Xeroxed at district level equal to the no. of officers.
b. DCF consists two parts : Part – I (Consisting of 35 column format in A3 size with available information of children) – this part should be got printed through software for all schools in the state.
c. DCF Part-II (specific guidelines) – this part should be got printed at district level equal to the no. of schools in the district and attached to DCF (Part-I) and given to the Headmasters during the training programme for collection of data.
6. A complete set (General guidelines + DCF – Part I and Part – II) & Child Info Enrolment Form shall be given to supervisory officers in a booklet form. The budget may be met from the MIS and Management Cost of AWP&B 2020-2021. If any discrepancy is found in the enrolment of the children in the printed DCF format, the same may be updated in blank Child Info Enrolment Form and also update the same in Child Info Website.
7. Filled in U-DISE formats shall be collected from all the schools duly verifying with the school records.
9.District Collector may be requested to convene a meeting with the officials of stake holder departments i.e., Social Welfare, Tribal Welfare, BC Welfare, Minority Welfare, TSREIS and Intermediate Education to ensure their coordination in collection of U-DISE data from all the schools /colleges.
10.Even after verification of data at various levels, certain variations were found in the items like management, infrastructure, enrolment and other facilities during 2015-16. Hence, the data shall be verified scrupulously to avoid variations as it is used for various purposes at state and national levels.
11.Data of a mandal shall be entered at district level only under the supervision of the concerned MEO I School Complex HM I CRP to avoid mistakes.
12.After entry of data, a printout of school report card of the schools shall be taken & got it verified with original formats.
13.A minimum of 10 computers have to be arranged to complete the data entry as per schedule without any problem. Headquarter high school having ICT computers may be identified for data entry in new districts. In respect of old districts, data entry may be taken up at DIETs as sufficient number of computers are available.
14.DEOs I RIOs shall verify the filled in DCFs at district level randomly to check the correctness of data.
15. In the U-DISE format, information has to be given separately for Elementary &
Secondary level. Hence No. of teachers, rooms etc., are to be divided as per norms and furnish the information accordingly.
1. A suitable accommodation shall be identified for data entry work.
2. A generator shall be arranged to overcome the power failure during the data entry work.
3. At least 10 computers shall be arranged at district headquarters for data entry work to complete within scheduled time.
4. It shall be ensured that each Data Entry Operator has to complete at least 30 forms per day.
5. One MIS I CRP of the concerned mandal shall present at the time of Data Entry work
6. All the high schools I higher secondary I Jr. Colleges DCF forms may be sent to RMSA wing of DEO offices. Data entry will be done in the presence of RMSA personnel in SSA
7. The District Sectoral Officer-I shall supervise the entire process of data entry work, carrying out corrections etc., with the help of APO/ ASO I DLMT.
#TS Schools Student U-DISE SCHEDULE
#TS Schools Student U-DISE Collection of DCF ,Data Entry Guidelines, Schedule