TS EAMCET MBBS/BDS Counselling Web Options-Seat Allotments
TS EAMCET-3 MBBS/BDS 5th/fifth/ Final Phase Counselling Web Options-Seat Allotments 2016 medadm.tsche.in Telangana EAMCET-3 Exercise web options dates/ schedule download.TS EAMCET-3 MBBS/BDS 3rd/Final Phase Counselling Web Options-Seat Allotments 2016, KNRUHS MBBS/BDS 3rd Phase Counselling, Telangana EAMCET-3 Final Phase Counseling 2016, Telangana EAMCET-3 Final Phase Web Options 2016, ts eamcet 3 final phase 2016 counseling,ts eamcet-3 final phase allotment date, TS EAMCET-3 KNRUHS MBBS/BDS Final Counselling 2016, TS EAMCET-3 MBBS/BDS IIIrd Phase Counselling 2016, ts eamcet-3 medical 3rd phase counseling, tseamcet-3 final/3rd phase certificate verification 2016,www.knruhs.in, medadm.tsche.ac.in,TS EAMCET-3 MBBS,BDS Admission Counselling, Exercising Web Options Schedule, Seat allotments -2016 www.tseamcet.in, TS EAMCET 3 Web Counselling Dates 2016 Rank Wise Web Options Schedule,TS EAMCET 2016 MBBS,BDS/Dental 5th/Final Phase Exercising Web options Schedule.Telangana TS EAMCET 3 Web Counselling Schedule 2016, TS EAMCET 2016 BPC Stream Admissions,Web Counseling, Certificate Verification Schedule. Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences on (KNRUHS) behalf of Telangana State Council of Higher Education announced TS EAMCET-III (MBBS and BDS) Counselling/Certificate Verification, Web Options and Seat Allotment Order Notification 2016. So required candidates can get more information about Telangana EAMCET-III Counselling from here.
Telangana/TS EAMCET-3 Web Options Entry Notification 2016:
JNTU, Hyderbad issued the TS EAMCET-III 2016 Notification on 8th Aug, 2016 and the University invited the Online Applications from the Eligible students who wish to appearing for EAMCET-3- 2016 . The exam was already conducted on 11-09-2016 and Results of EAMCET-3 has been announced on 15-09-2016. TS EAMCET 3 Counselling Dates 2016, TS EAMCET 3 Counselling Dates 2016, TS EAMCET 3 Counselling Details, Required Documents For Telangana TS EAMCET 3 Counselling 2016, TS EAMCET 3 Counselling Dates 2016 med.tseamcet.in, TS EAMCET 3 Medical Certificate Verification Centers,Telangana EAMCET III Rank Wise Web Options, Documents to be Required for TS EAMCET 3 Medical Counselling Process to be held from 17-09-2016 to 20-09-2016. And the Web Options Entry /Exercise web optionsSchedule as follows.
Read : TS EAMCET-III 5th/ Final Phase Seat Allotment Orders2016
TS EAMCET 2 Counseling Process:
There exist 2 stages in the Web Counseling Process of TS EAMCET III- 2016. The first might be certificate verification and the other is Options Entry (Selecting Colleges) which is referred as Web Counseling Process. We provide you complete information in regards to TS EAMCET Web Counseling Procedure.
Name of the Exam : TS EAMCET III (MBBS & BDS Entrance Test 2016)
Category : 5thPhase/ Final Phase Web Options Entry
Status : Released
Official Website : www.knruhs.in and medadm.tsche.in
Check:TS EAMCET-3 (MBBS and BDS) Results 2016
KNRUHSTS EAMCET-3 MBBS,BDS5th/Final PhaseWeb Options Entry Dates 2016:
Consequent on extension of time by one week for completion of admissions for MBBS / BDS for the academic year 2016-17 by Hon’be Supreme Court of India and in continuation of earlier notifications dated 12.09.2016, 24-09-2016, 27-09-2016 and 02-10-2016, the University proposes to conduct 5th & Final phase of counseling to fill up the vacant seats left over after 4th phase of counseling in General and Special Categories in Medical and Dental colleges of Telangana State (OU area) and Special category Sports quota seats on 06.10.2016.
Candidates can exercise web options for admission into vacant seats in General and Special Category seats in MBBS /BDS in Medical and Dental colleges of Telangana State (OU area and Special Category Sports quota seats on 06.10.2016 – from 6.00 AM to 3.00 PM.
The candidates who had their original certificates verified in the first and final phase of verification of certificates only are eligible to exercise their options online from Home or any Internet facility center.
The candidates who secured admission in 4th phase of counseling and wish to change their college/ course according to their merit, can exercise their web options.
S.No | Organisation Name | Name of the Exam | Course | Category | Web Option Dates |
Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences (KNRUHS)
5th& Final Phase Web Options
06.10.2016 – from 6.00 AM to 3.00 PM.
#TS EAMCET-3Eligibility criteria and regulations for MBBS/BDS Admissions 2016
Rs. 10,000/- for both MBBS and BDS Courses have to be paid for obtaining allotment letter through payment Gateway by using Online payment method. (Debit Card/Credit Card/Internet Banking). The candidates who have already secured a seat and joined and are willing to slide from one Medical / Dental College to other Medical / Dental College in Telangana need not pay University fee again.
As per existing Government guidelines for Govt. / Pvt. (Minority/ Non-Minority) Medical & Dental Colleges.
Candidates while giving options should note that the seats vacated by the candidates selected in third counseling and slided to other college / course during 5th phase of counseling process will be added & allotted simultaneously during 5th phase of counseling itself. Hence, candidates are informed to give options for all colleges irrespective of vacancies shown in seat matrix. If the candidate opts and secures a seat in the 5th phase, his / her allotment of seat in previous phase is cancelled automatically.
The details of vacant seats available due to non-joining of 4th phase counseling will be placed in the www.knruhs.in / http://medadm.tsche.in on 05.10.2016.
1) The candidates can exercise web options through http://tsmedadm.tsche.in
2) The selected candidates shall submit all original certificates and pay the University fee by gateway method and college fee and report before the last date and time at the allotted college as mentioned in the allotment letter.
3) The University fee and other fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
How Give Web Entry Options of TS EMACET-III-2016
1. Firstly the candidate has to logon website i.e www.medadm.tsche.in and click on web options.
2. The candidate will get a one time password(OTP) registered mobile number.
3. Candidate need to fill their choices as their preference.
4. After choices filling, the seat will be allotted to the as per their rank and their preference of order.
5.The candidate are requested to choose their choices as many as possible.
6. Don’t reveal the password to any one and don’t exercise the options in mobile/tablets.Use internet explore browser in the computer.
TS EAMCET 3 Admissions-Web Counselling 2016 Rank Wise Seat Allotment
Qualifying EAMCET-3 is very crucial in order to have Admissions into Engineering, Agriculture, Medical courses into private and govt foundations/universities. As the authorities release the TS EAMCET 2016 results, the board will direct the Counseling Process. Now the qualified students are searching for Telangana TS EAMCET 3 counseling fee, certificate verification and seat allotment letters on considering their TS EAMCET Rank Card 2016. TS EAMCET-3 Medical 2016 counselling will be conducted on as per the schedule released by counselling committee for allotment of approximately 2075 MBBS seats in Govt &Private medical colleges Under Convener quota. 606 BDS seats in Govt &Private medical colleges dental colleges of Telangana Under Convener quota. Candidates can check the TS EAMCET 2016 counselling detail like dates, procedure, seats etc. from this page. Check Rank wise seat allotment of TS EAMCET 3 from here .
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# Phase-5 Web Options Entry Form of TS EAMCET-III-2016
#TS EAMCET-III-2016 MBBS,BDS 5th/Final Phase Seat allotment Order
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