Akash Vidya Online teaching, Learning web portal for AP Students @ AkashVidya.in

Akash Vidya Online teaching, Learning web portal for AP Students @ AkashVidya.in
AkashVidya Free Learning Resources, Akash Vidya Online teaching, Learning web portal for AP Students @ AkashVidya.in . Akash Vidya Online teaching, Learning web portal for AP Students. Free Learning Resources – Sharing Knowledge Web Portal. Learning online is easier than ever before. The Smartest way to learn in the 21st century is to “learn at your own pace @ Akash Vidya is your 24/7 solution. Smart learning any time, any where is easier. With help of this portal, DCRs/ Digital class rooms to be started in AP Schools on 15th October, 2016, CSE.APDigital Class rooms, eLearning Class rooms, Teacher led content, Remote educational virtual class rooms.

AkashVidya.in  Free Learning Resources:
Animations, Presentations, Class Notes, Worksheets, Rewards/Reports, Mind maps, Points to remember, Topic Test, Skill Proficiency, Add Subtopic, Ask a Question, Subject Test

In this web portal the following links are available for accessing:

For Students:
“One size does not fit all,” is the fundamental premise of AkashVidya.in. We believe every student is unique in their learning styles and learning skills. Nurturing these skills will help each student achieve more and succeed in school. Therefore, AkashVidya.in portal leverages technology to identify and understand each student’s strength and weakness and provide a time bound personalized learning plan with customized learning content that complements their classroom and course work.

For Educators:
Today, in crowded classrooms teachers are asked to achieve significant academic growth for all students at the same time that they instruct students with ever-more diverse needs. Teaching has never been more difficult, it has never been more important, and the desperate need for more student success has never been so urgent. In traditional, blended, and “flipped” learning settings, AkashVidya.in supports individual, team, and whole-class learning. At school and in informal learning environments, our portal helps introduce new topics and illustrate complex concepts and lets users tailor their assessments to meet all students’ needs.

All our resources are fully supported by AkashVidya.in Educators, and our free teacher community. Our content is mapped to all curriculums in India – CBSE, ICSE, SSCs, and aligned to academic standards. AkashVidya.in is easy to use, with no downloading, installation, or special hardware required.

We take pride in our in-house team of educators, animators, and writers, who produce and continually improve AkashVidya.in, incorporating valuable teacher and parent input. Aiding us is a talented group of educators who serve as our Academic Advisors. We also partner with an array of educational game creators and other education technology companies and organizations.

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#AP Students Online teaching, Learning web AkashVidya.in