AP Language Pandits Upgradation 3rd Methodology in B.Ed’s are not eligible to SA Promotions-AP Govt Memo.434204

AP Language Pandits Upgradation 3rd Methodology in B.Ed’s are not eligible to SA Promotions-AP Govt Memo.434204.
AP Language Pandits Upgradation as SAs Promotions Not considering the SGTs prossessing 3rd Methodology/Single subject relevant subject as per AP Memo.No.434204 , Dated 27/04/2017,AP Language Pandits Upgradation as SAs Promotions new Guidelines as per RC.No:434204, date:27/04/2017,AP New Guidelines for Language Pandits Promotions as School Assistant as per AP Memo.No.434204 , Dated 27/04/2017. AP Language Pandits Upgradation as SAs Promotions Not considering the SGTs prossessing 3rd Methodology/Single subject relevant subject Ratification Orders.

SGTs possessing 3rd Methodology in B.Ed. are Not considering for promotion to the post of School Assistant in the relevant subject:
Government of Andhra Pradesh School Education (SER-II) Department:
School Education Dept- Not considering the SGTs possessing 3rd Methodology in B.Ed. promotion to the post of School Assistant in the relevant subject Ratification Orders as per AP Memo.No.434204 , Dated 27/04/2017.
1. Proceedings of the Commissioner of School Edi-ration A.P Hyderabad.2007/Estt.IV/2015, Dated 28.052016.
2. From the Commissioner of School Education, A.p., Ibrahimpatnam, Lr.Rc.No.2007/Estt.IV/2015, dated 20.06.2016.
3. Govt.Memo .No .434204/Services 11/A-1/2016, Dated 22.022017.

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The Commissioner of School Edtration, A.P., Amaravati cited, has reported that a letter was addressed to the Secretary, A.P. State Council Higher Education (AP SCHE) fi)r views / remarks/advice on the validity of single subject and 3 rd methodology in B Ed. The Secretary, APSCHE, which is the competent authority has informed that single subject qualification or 3 rd methodology in B Ed. is not  valid as per the UGC Guidelines in his letter dated 28.05.2016.The
clarification of the Secretaty, AP. S.C.H.E is as follows:

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➧ The UGC regulations 1985 regarding the minimurn standards Of Instructions for the First Degree through Formal/ Non- Formal/ Distance Education prescribed that No student shall be eligible for the award of the first degree unless he has successfully completed a three year course; this degree may be called the B.A./ B.Sc./B.Com (General Honours/Special) degree as the case may be.➧According to the UGC (Minimurn Standards Of Instructions for the Grant of the First Degree through Formal Education) Regulations, 2003.

Award of Degree:

  1. 1. No student shall be eligible for the award of the first degree unless he/she sucessfully completed a programme, of not less than three years duration and secured the minimum number of credits prescribed by the university for the award of the degree. 
  2. 2. The degree to be awarded may be called the Bachelor’s degree in the respective discipline accordance with nomenclature specified by the UGC Section 22(3) of the UGC Act. (i) The UGC has prescribed Regulations with a view to improve standards in formal and non-formal education. Fundamental right of education is not just the right to enter into any institution, appear in any examination and obtained a certificate degree. It means truly educating oneself to acquire knowledge or skill and not just getting a certificate/degree. 
  3. 3. She has further stated that based on clarification issurd by the Secretary, APSCHE, Hyderabad, the Commissioner Of School Education has issued detailed instructions to all the RJDSEs and DEOs duly clarifying validity of acquiring single subject / 3 rd methodology in B.Ed. in CSE’s ProcsRc.No .2007/ Estt- IV/2015, dated 28.05.2016. 
  4. 4. The Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Amaravati in the reference 2nd cited, has therefore, requested the Government to rati$’ the action of issuing orders in her proceedings dated 28.05.2016. 
  5. 5. After careful consideration of matter, Government hereby cancel orders issued in the reference 3rd cited and ratified the action of the Commissioner Of School Education in having issued vide CSE’s p rocs. Rc.No.2007/Estt.IV/2015, dated 28.05.2016, subject to final outcome of the W.P.No.5802/2017 pending before High Court for State of A.P and Telangana, Hyderabad.

AP Memo.No.434204 , Dated 27/04/2017- Not considering the SGTs possessing 3rd Methodology in B.Ed. promotion to the post of School Assistant in the relevant subject Ratification Orders.

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#AP Language Pandits Upgradation 3rd Methodology in B.Ed’s are not eligible to SA Promotions-AP Govt Memo.434204