AP Police SI Results 2023 Selection List Download | SLPRBAP Sub Inspector Merit List, Cutoff Marks @ slprb.ap.gov.in
AP Police SI Results 2023 Download | AP SLPRB AP Sub Inspector Selection List for Events

AP Police SI Results 2023 Download Sub Inspector Merit List, Cutoff Marks @ slprb.ap.gov.in.
Candidates appeared in recently concluded Sub Inspector examination can check all details and news information regarding AP Police SI Results 2023 from this page. We have updated the link to download the list of all selected candidates. Also, the category-wise minimum qualifying marks, or, the cutoff marks detail has been updated as well. AP Police SI results are to be declared by the board itself. We have mentioned the links which will help you to check your AP Police SI Results 2023.
AP Police SI/ Sub Inspector of police Results 2023 Selection List Merit List, Cutoff Marks download
Office of the Chairman, State Level Police Recruitment Board,Andhra Pradesh, Mangalagiri.
Rc.No.163/SLPRB/Rect.1/2022 Date: 28.02.2023
Recruitment to the posts of SCT Sub Inspectors (Civil) (Men & Women), and SCT Reserve Sub Inspectors (APSP) (Men) in Police Department was notified vide Notification Rc.No.163/SLPRB/Rect.1/2022, Dtd: 28-11-2022.
2. Preliminary Written Test (Qualifying test) for the above posts was conducted on 19.02.2023 at 291 test centres, across 13 towns/cites in Andhra Pradesh. 1,51,288 candidates appeared in the exam, out of which 57,923 candidates qualified. The result is available on the website “slprb.ap.gov.in”.
3. The break-up of candidates who appeared and qualified, gender-wise and community wise is enclosed.
4. All the candidates are once again informed that the qualifying marks are as follows:
OC: 40% in each Paper (i.e., 40 Marks out of 100 in each paper),
BC: 35% ineach Paper (i.e., 35 Marks out of 100 in each paper),
SC, ST and Ex-Servicemen: 30% in each Paper (i.e.30 Marks out of 100 in each paper).
If a candidate fails to secure qualifying marks even in one paper, he/she will be disqualified. Total marks for these two papers will not be counted for the purpose of qualification.
This result is subject to producing the relevant certificate by the candidate at the time of PMT/PET.
5. The Preliminary Answer Key was released on 20.02.2023. 1553 objections were received. The subject experts verified each of the objections. There are no changes in the answer key to 1st Paper. However, one question in 2nd Paper has multiple correct answers. The Final Answer Key is placed on the website for ready reference.
6. Scanned OMR Sheet will be available on website till 11 AM on 04.03.2023 for download.
7. Candidates are requested to frequently visit the website (slprb.ap.gov.in) for further updates. The registration for PMT /PET (Stage II online application process) shall start shortly. For any clarification, candidates may send email to SCTSI-PWT@slprb.appolice.gov.in
GENDER WISE Qualified Details::
Appeared |
Qualified |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Male |
Female |
Total |
123575 |
27713 |
151288 |
49386 |
8537 |
57923 |
COMMUNITY WISE Qualified Details:
Caste |
Appeared |
Qualified |
Appeared |
Qualified |
OC |
15048 |
3448 |
2779 |
361 |
BC-A |
18323 |
6801 |
3600 |
865 |
BC-B |
15658 |
5937 |
3255 |
886 |
BC-C |
629 |
176 |
153 |
40 |
BC-D |
26172 |
11916 |
5786 |
1806 |
BC-E |
5306 |
1399 |
788 |
154 |
SC |
32501 |
15258 |
8547 |
3475 |
ST |
8200 |
3818 |
2362 |
854 |
1738 |
633 |
443 |
96 |
Total |
123575 |
49386 |
27713 |
8537 |
How to check AP police SI results 2023
- The aspirants are advised first to visit the official website of Andhra Pradesh Police Department.
- Next click on the Link “AP SI Results” of Sub – Inspector of Police.
- A new displayed on the screen
- The candidates are advised to details of candidates are required to fill their Roll No. and date of birth.
Enter Registration Number , Enter PWT Hall Ticket Number and the code from the image
- Next click on submit you will get results
AP SLPRB SCT SI (Civil) (Men& Women) and SCT RSI (APSP) (Men) in Police Department, Preliminary Written Test (PWT) Results 2023.
AP Police SI posts final Results 2023 seleclection list at Official web portal