cse.ap.gov.in Updation of AP Teacher Information System Direct Links to update Data
AP Teacher Information System | Updation of Teacher’s Data Base at CSE.AP.GOV.IN-RC.73. Updation of Online Teacher’s Data Base, Updation of Teachers Information details like Treasury ID, Category of the Post, Mobile Number Teacher Information System Data Entry, Proforma, User Manual,Instructions to fill the Form,Copy of the Form given here.
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Teacher Information System Objective:
To update teacher database with correct information of all Teachers. This details will help Teachers while applying for transfers, promotions, awards, No objection certificate for Traveling abroad, claiming Medical Reimbursement etc. An application is developed and given to each Teacher to fill in their details. The facility is given to the Teacher himself/ herself to avoid any discrepancies.
The data entered by the teacher will be taken as final details.
CSE AP, has given instructions vide Proceedings of Commissioner of School Education ,AP, Hyd, Proceeding RC.No. Rc.No.73,Dated: 20/04/2016 for Creation of Teacher Data Base and updation of teacher data base by the individual concerned. with Reference : This office procs even No. dt 30-04-2016 .So, All the teachers are requested that, they can visit the cse.ap.gov.in web portal and login at Teachers Information System with your cell number and treasury id and submit your details like, Personal details, Spouse details, Educational details, Appointment details, Departmental Tests details, Promotion details, Transfer details and Health Card details on or before 15/06/2016. This Teachers Data base can be used for transfers, rationalisation, promotions, Awards, No objection certificate for Traveling abroad and claiming Medical Reimbursement etc.
The attention of the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the reference above, It is observed that the teacher data entered in UDISE – 2015-16 has lot of discrepancies in terms of Treasury ID, Category of the Post, Mobile No etc., it is decided to updation of cadre strength regarding Medium wise category wise posts sanctioned and working with details of teachers was provided to the field level and it was completed with the confirmation of District Educational Officers concerned. Based on this a Teacher Information System module was developed and a demo on updation of teacher data base was given during District Educational Officers conference on 04-05-2016 at Guntur. Suggestions received on the occasion are further worked on.
Further, they are informed that this will be the final data which can be used in future i.e. for transfers/rationalisation etc. They further informed that the Teacher Information System module for updation of teacher data base is moved into live on cse website i.e cse.ap.gov.in under Teacher Corner. The District Educational Officers in the state are requested to issue necessary instructions to all the Teachers/Headmasters/Mandal Educational Officers/Deputy Educational Officers to update teachers information by the individual concerned and complete the process on or before 31-05-2016 without fail.
All the Regional Joint Director of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to monitor the updation of teacher data base and take necessary action to complete the process on or before 31-05-2016 without fail.
#CSE AP Teacher Information System 2016:
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1.CSE AP Proceedings.RC.No.73
2.Instructions to Fill Teacher Information System Online Form
3.Teacher Information System Proforma Copy.
4.Teacher Information System User Manual
5.AP Teacher Information System Onlne Entry