AP Teachers Transfers 2023 Web options Selection Process, Places Allotment Procedure Web Counselling, How to exercise web options
AP Teachers Transfers 2023 How to exercise web options, Web Counselling Places Allotment Procedure. Teacher Transfers Web Options Selection Procedure video analysis watch step by step process.
CSE AP Official website for AP teachers transfers https://cse.ap.gov.in/DSENEW/ . How to exercise wo options online. AP Teachers Transfers Places Allotment Procedure in Web Counselling. AP Teachers Transfers 2023 Web Counselling for Allotment of Places to Teachers. System of Allotting Places/Schools to Teachers. Teachers have to login Teacher Transfers 2023 Official website. Places Allotment Procedure in Web Counselling | Web Counselling Processs Demo Video watch Here | Process for Allotment of Places in Web Counselling. AP Teachers Transfers Web Counselling Process/Procedure 2023 AP Teachers Transfers Web Counselling Process 2023: The Education Department and The Directorate of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, have been decided to conduct the AP Teachers Transfers through “WEB COUNSELLING”. So, AP Transfers will be conducted through web counseling and Web Based Options Entry System at APOnline, in this regard here the process will be shared for teachers for understanding purpose. Teachers are requested to understand the proper way of web counseling & follow the steps as per the guidelines given by Govt of AP time to time.
A.P teacher transfers 2023 Web options Selection Process
“Teacher Transfers” which is very crucial and some critical because there is a vast number and teacher shuffling is some typical when compared to other dept employees. A.P teacher transfers is moving forward slow. As already we have applied online and its the time to confirm and give web options. Where it is the first time for teachers to participate is such counselling. Where teachers are facing a slight problem. By some homework we can overcome it.
AP Teachers Transfers 2023 Revised Schedule new
Sl.No |
Activity |
No.of Days |
1 |
Applying for transfer by HM/Teacher in online with self-attested details |
24-05-2023 to 26-05-2023 |
3 |
2 |
Certificate Verification |
25-05-2023 to 27-05-2023 |
1 |
3 |
Display of provisional Seniority lists |
28-05-2023 to 29-05-2023 |
2 |
4 |
Objections |
30-06-2023 |
1 |
5 |
Redressal of objections |
31-05-2023 to 01-06-2023 |
2 |
6 |
Display of final seniority list with entitlement points in the website |
02-06-2023 to 03-06-2023 |
2 |
7 |
Display of Vacancies |
04-06-2023 |
1 |
7 |
Submission of online web option by the Headmasters/Teachers |
HM: 05-06-2023 to 06-06-2023 |
2 |
SA:05-06-2023 to 07-06-2023 |
1 |
SGT:05-06-2023 to 08-06-2023 |
1 |
8 |
Genaration of Lists |
HM:09-06-2023 |
1 |
SA:09-06-2023 |
0 |
SGT:09-06-2023 to 11-06-2023 |
2 |
Total |
19 |
AP Teachers Transfers Web Counselling Process 2023:
Web Counselling Process:
1. You have to get clear idea on the vacancies declared by DEO and you have to do some homework on that.
2. Be clear on the vacancy position of that school which you opted.
3. Give option only when it is clear vacant.
4. Each teacher should give minimum 2, maximum no limit options.
5. The last option should be your present working school because if you doesn’t have any place according to your desire you may go with the present working.
6. 8 years, rationalisation teachers should not give present place as your last option.
After giving web options download vacant list and check it.
7. You can give option of post of teacher where other teacher applied for transfer.
According to your performance & entitlement points you will be alloted the place.
8. You will get information through SMS.
9. After certifying by MEO/DY.EO/DEO you may join after dussehra holidays.
So, friends do not worry be wise while opting places. Wish you good luck.
10. Allotment will be from August 2020.
Rules and Regulations of AP Teachers Transfers Web Counselling:
1. Display of Vacancies
2. Applying Online
3. Confirmation of application
4. Provisional Seniority List
5. Selecting web options/ Web counseling
6. Generation of Transfer Orders
1. Display of Vacancies:
a) In this 1st step, All clear vacancies, 8 years completed vacancies due to rationalization will be displayed.
b) Here in this stage, teachers should know that the arising vacancies are not displayed as nobody has applied.
c) From these clear vacancies, we can get an idea about the number of vacancies which are clear to opt for.
2. Applying Online:
a)Teachers who want to participate in the counseling needs to apply through website given for teachers’ transfers online application. While submitting the application our entitlement points will be generated online.
b) In this step total entitlement points of teachers will be calculated while submitting the online application form
c) After submitting the online application teachers must take the print of submitted application and submit the hard copy to their PGHM/MEO
3. Confirmation of application:
a) Your online application will be forwarded to the DEO. There basing on the hard copy which was submitted to PGHM/MEO.
b) After confirmation by DEO an SMS will be sent to teacher regarding the application confirmation by DEO.
4. Provisional Seniority List:
a) Based on the application received by DEO, a tentative seniority list will be prepared as per the Norms & Guidelines issued by AP Govt.
b) Objections can submitted to officials after displaying of tentative seniority list.
c) After rectifying the objections, Final seniority list will be prepared.
d) After Displaying the final seniority list teachers has to confirm his/her candidature for participation in transfers process
e) When teachers confirm their details in website, One Time Password (OTP) will be sent to their mobile (The Mobile Number which was provided while submitting the application form)
f) After confirming, our post will be shown in Arising vacancies.
5. Selecting web options/ Web counseling:
a) This is the important step
b) Using the OTP sent to the mobile every teacher has to select places through online.
c) Teachers can select clear vacancies, 8 years vacancies, vacancies shifted at new station due to rationalization as per their choice.
d) Every teacher has a choice of selecting 199 options. The number may be increased by Govt.
e) Those teachers who have completed 8 year or Rationalization affected teachers must select all options after selecting their willing schools.
f) Teachers can change their web options preferences for two times only.
g) Not will teachers has to give their own place as the last option. If Not they will be moved.
6. Generation of Transfer Orders:
a) Transfer orders will be generated online with in 5 days after exercising the web options.
b)Allotted new school details will be sent through SMS to concerned teacher’s mobile.
Teacher Transfers 2023 Web Options Selection Procedure
- HM/Teacher need to log on to cse.ap.gov.in
- Click Submission of web options
- Enter their Reference ID, OTP the verification code received through their registered mobile. (it is advised to give the working conditioned mobiles only)
- After this web option, screen will be displayed with following auto populated values.
- Name of the Teacher
- Treasury ID
- Category of the post
- Subject
- Medium
- Whether 8 years completed or not?
- Whether effected by Rationalisation
- Present working Place, Mandal etc.
- The HM/Teacher who comes under compulsory transfer, they have to choose all the available vacancies except their present working place.Others may select at least one vacancy.
- Then after the Name of Mandals where the vacancies are available including the vacancies likely to be arose gets displayed on the left side column of the screen.
- The Mandals have to be selected in the preferential order as desired by Teacher. The selected Mandals will be moved to right side column of the screen in the selected order. In right side column of the screen, there is also a provision to change the selection order of the Mandals by moving up or down.
- After selection of Mandals then need to press SUBMIT button to get the school names where the vacancies are available.
- After submit button, the next screen gets displayed with two columns. In the left column of the screen the schools names gets displayed as in the order of preferential Mandals chosen by the individual.
- As in the case of selection of Mandal, here also, School Names are to be selected in the preferential order for web counselling and selected school names will be moved to right side column of the screen in the selected order. In right side column of the screen, there is also a provision to change the selection order of the School names by moving up or down.
- After selecting all the details, press PREVIEW button. This will display the details submitted by them.
- If they found that all the details are correct, press SUBMIT otherwise press EDIT and resubmit the information.
- Editing of web option is allowed for ONE time by sending OTP to their registered Mobiles.
- Based on the web options exercised by the individual and Seniority of the teacher, the allotment process will be done and transferred teachers’ details along with proceedings will be hosted in the website.
Teachers Transfers 2023 – Web Options Form
Teachers Transfers 2023 – Download Submitted Web Options Report
AP Teachers Transfers Official web portal https://teacherinfo.apcfss.in/
Download Web Options Exercise Form pdf
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System of Allotting Places/Schools to Teachers
AP Teachers Transfers 2023 Web Options Selection Process, Places Allotment Procedure Web Counselling. AP Teachers Transfers Related Information
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AP Teachers Transfers 2023 – Guidelines Schedule Web Options Details Online Application
AP Teacher transfers -2023 How to Apply Online
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AP Teachers Transfers 2023 District wise SGT SA GHM PET LP Vacancy List
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AP Online Teachers Information System TIS for Teachers Data/Details Updation, AP Online Teacher’s Information System TIS for Teacher Card, AP Teachers Rationalisation Norms Staff Pattern for PS UPS High Schools, AP Teachers Transfers 2023 – Guidelines Schedule Web Options Details Online Application, AP Teacher transfers -2023 How to Apply Online @ cse.ap.gov.in AP Teachers Transfers Places Allotment Procedure in Web Counselling, AP Teachers Transfers 2023 Information available at Teachersbuzz.in Note: If any modification done in the process of web counseling, then all those modifications will be updated time to time by www.TeachersBuzz.in
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