AP Model Schools Inter admissions 2024 Guidelines, Selection Procedure Seat allotments Rule of Reservation

AP Model Schools Inter admissions Guidelines, Selection Procedure Seat allotments Rule of Reservation

AP Model Schools Inter admissions  Guidelines,Selection Procedure. Guidelines, Procedure for APMS Inter first year course admissions Procedure and Guidelines for Admission in to First year intermediate course in AP Model schools for the academic year  :  With an objective to provide free and quality education in Andhra Pradesh, 155 A.P.Model Schools are established from the academic year 2013-14 by the Government in the educationally backward Mandals of Andhra Pradesh.APMS Officials have invited applications for admission into first year Intermediate course for the academic year  into BIPC, MPC, CEC and MEC groups form the eligible SSC passed candidates. Candidates who desire admission have to pay registration fee of Rs.100/-(Rs.50/- for SC/ST). Admission into first year Intermediate course shall be based on the marks/grades scored in the SSC examinations in the order of merit strictly according the provisions of GO.Ms.No.17 School Education(SE-PRG.I) Department ,dt.11-02-2013.

AP Model Schools {APMS } Intermediate Admissions 2024-2025 Notification Apply Online for APMS 1st Inter Admissions 2024
★ రాష్ట్రంలోని ఆదర్శ పాఠశాలల్లో ప్రథమ ఇంటర్‌ ప్రవేశాలకు విద్యార్థుల నుంచి దరఖాస్తులు ఆహ్వానం .
★ పదో తరగతి పరీక్ష రాసినవారు తమ దరఖాస్తులను ఆన్‌లైన్‌లో పంపవచ్ఛు
★ సదరు విద్యార్థులు ముందుగా ప్రవేశ అనుమతి కోసం దరఖాస్తు చేసుకుంటే ఫలితాలు వచ్చాక మార్కులు లేదా జీపీఏ పత్రాలను అందజేయాల్సి ఉంటుంది.
★ రాష్ట్రంలో 164 వరకు ఏపీ ఆదర్శ పాఠశాలలు ఉన్నాయి.
★ ఒక్కో బడిలో ఎంపీసీ, బైపీసీ, సీఈసీ, ఎంఈసీ గ్రూపులకు సంబంధించి ఒక్కో గ్రూపునకు 20 మంది విద్యార్థులను చేర్చుకుంటారు.
★ ఓసీ విద్యార్థులు రూ.100, బీసీ విద్యార్థులు రూ.60,
★ ఎస్సీ, ఎస్టీ, మాజీ సైనిక ఉద్యోగుల పిల్లలు రూ.30 చొప్పున ఆన్‌లైన్‌లో రుసుం చెల్లించి దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవచ్ఛు

A.P.Model Schools – Guidelines and procedure for admission of students into Model Schools for Intermediate from the Academic Year 2024-24

  • ఇంటర్మీడియెట్ తరగతులైన 11, 12 క్లాసులకు  పదో తరగతిలో విద్యార్థులు సాధించిన మార్కుల మెరిట్ ఆధారంగా ఎంపికలు ఉంటాయి. ఈ మేరకు ప్రభుత్వం ఉత్తర్వులు జారీ చేసింది.
  • కేంద్రీయ విద్యాలయాల విధానంలో కేంద్ర ప్రభుత్వం 2012-13 లో మోడల్ స్కూళ్లను ఆరో తరగతి నుంచి 12వ తరగతి వరకు ఏర్పాటు చేయించి రాష్ట్ర ప్రభుత్వాల బాధ్యతకు వదిలేసింది.
  • ఆంగ్ల మాధ్యమంలో కో-ఎడ్యుకేషన్ విధానం వీటిలో సాగుతోంది.
  • ఏపీలో ప్రస్తుతం 164 మోడల్ స్కూళ్లు ఉన్నాయి. వీటికి 2014 వరకు లాటరీ విధానంలోనే విద్యార్థులను ఎంపిక చేసేవారు. 2015-16 నుంచి ఈ స్కూళ్లలో ఆరో తరగతిలో ప్రవేశానికి అప్పటి సీట్లు ప్రభుత్వం ప్రవేశ పరీక్ష విధానాన్ని తీసుకువచ్చింది.
  • ఇలా.. 6 నుంచి 10వ తరగతి వరకు తరగతికి రెండు సెక్షన్ల చొప్పున ఒక్కో దానిలో 40మందికి అవకాశం కల్పిస్తున్నారు. అంటే ఒక్కో తరగతిలో 80 సీట్లు ఉంటాయి.
  • ఇంటర్మీడియెట్ లో మాత్రం ఎంపీసీ, బైపీసీ, ఎంఈసీ, సీఈసీలలో ఒక్కో గ్రూపులో 20 సీట్లు ఉంటాయి.
    ‘ప్రవేశాలకు సంబంధించి మోడల్ స్కూల్ సొసైటీ ముందుగా విద్యార్థుల నుంచి ఆన్‌లైన్‌లో దరఖాస్తులు ఆహ్వానిస్తూ ప్రకటన జారీ చేస్తుంది.
  • ‘డబ్ల్యూడబ్ల్యూడబ్ల్యూ ఏపీఎంఎస్.ఏపీ.జీఓవీ.ఐఎన్’లో ఇందుకు సంబంధించిన ప్రకటన వెలువడుతుంది.
    సీట్లను రిజర్వేషన్ల వారీగా భర్తీ చేస్తారు. ఎస్సీలకు 15 శాతం, ఎస్టీలకు 6 శాతం, బీసీలకు 29 శాతం సీట్లను కేటాయిస్తారు.
  • బిసీ-ఏ గ్రూపు వారికి 7, బీ వారికి 10, సీ విభాగానికి 1, డీ విభాగానికి 7, ఈ వారికి 4 శాతం సీట్లు ఇస్తారు. అన్ని విభాగాల్లో 33.93 శాతం సీట్లు బాలికలకు కేటాయిస్తారు. దివ్యాంగులకు 3 శాతం సీట్లు ఇవ్వాల్సి ఉంటుంది.
  • ఇతర తరగతుల్లో మిగలిన సీట్లను కూడా ఆయా కేటగిరీల వారితో భర్తీచేయాలి. ఇందుకు సంబంధించిన విధి విధానాలను ఉత్తర్వుల్లో/పొందుపరిచారు.
  • వాటిని అమలు చేసేందుకు జిల్లా స్థాయిలో జాయింట్ కలెక్టర్ చైర్మన్ గా కమిటీలను నియమించనున్నారు.


G.O.MS.No. 32 Dated: 29-06-2020.

School Education – A.P.Model Schools – Guidelines and procedure for admission of students into Model Schools for classes VI and Intermediate from the Academic Year 2020-21 – Orders – Issued.

Read the following:-
1. G.O.Ms.No.17 Education (SE-Prog.I) Department, Dt.11-02-2013.
2. G.O.Ms.No.22 School Education (Prog.I) Department, Dt.29-04-2015.
3. From the Commissioner of School Education and Ex-Officio Project Director, A.P.Model Schools, AP, Lr.Rc.No.550/B1/APMS/RMSA/2019, dated:03.02.2020.

Click here for AP Model School 6th class admissions 2024 selection Process


The Andhra Pradesh Model Schools Scheme was established to catering the needs of Educational Backward Mandals to provide quality education on par with Kendriya Vidyalaya template. The Government of India have sanctioned 164 Model Schools across the State of Andhra Pradesh and functioning from the Academic Year 2013-14 with English as a Medium of instruction as Co-educational schools.

2. In the reference 1st read above, the Government have sanctioned 80 seats for each class @40 students per section for classes VI to X and for Intermediate 20 seats per each group i.e., MPC/BiPC/MEC and CEC and took the admissions through the lottery system up to 2014-15. Further, in the reference 2nd read above,
the admission procedure was changed from the Academic Year 2015-16 such as conducting admission test for VI class of A.P.Model Schools.

3. After careful examination of the matter and in pursuance of the section 12 (1) C and section 13 (1) of the RTE Act 2009, it is decided to adopt random method of selection by way of lots for admissions into A.P.Model Schools for class VI and for left over seats of remaining classes i.e., VII,VIII and IX and therefore, Government hereby issue orders for adopting random method of selection by way of lots for making admissions into A.P. Model Schools for class VI and for left over seats of remaining classes i.e., VII, VIII and IX. For Intermediate admissions it will be based on the marks secured in the SSC Examinations in the order of merit. All the admissions will be done duly following the rule of reservation.

4. Rule of Reservation:
1. 15% and 6% seats in each class shall be reserved for candidates belonging to the SCs and STs respectively.

2. 29% of the seats in each class shall be reserved for BCs and shall be allocated among the five groups of BCs as shown below duly following the100 cycle roaster points:
1. Group-A 7%
2. Group-B 10%
3. Group-C 1%
4. Group-D 7%
5. Group-E 4%
3. 3% of seats should be filled by in the Differently Abled students. Separate lots should be drawn for Differently Abled students against the roaster points of 6, 31 and 56 for all Classes.
4. 33.33% seats are to be reserved to Girls in all Categories of SC,ST,BC and Open Competition.

5. If sufficient number of candidates of any particular group of BCs are not available to fill up seats reserved for that group, the may be filled up by suitable candidates in any other group of BCs. For example if B.C-A candidates are not available then may go for B.C-B. and B.C-C and then B.C -D.

6. 50% seats shall be filled in open competition. All students are eligible for Open competition seats.

7. Each of the classes VI to X has two sections with an intake of 40 seats. While admitting the students the class shall be taken as a unit of 80 students for Classes VI to X. For Intermediate, the unit shall be 20 students in each group. However, in case of any non-availability of applicants in any particular group the total strength of 80 seats can be taken as a unit for the purpose of filling up of left over vacancies. The community wise distribution of seats for Classes VI to X is as follows:

Classes VI to X
Community Group Percentage Total No. of seats per class

Community Group Percentage

Total No. of

seats per class

No. of seats

reserved for girls


1 2 3 4 5
SC   15 12 4
ST   6 5 2





A 7 6 2
B 10 8 3
C 1 1 0
D 7 6 2
E 4 3 1
OC   50 39 13
Total 80 27

a. Each of the classes 1st and 2nd year Intermediate has two sections with an intake of 40 seats in each. While admitting the students the Group shall be taken as a unit of 20 students and the community wise distribution of seats for Intermediate 1st and 2nd year is as follows:

For Intermediate Courses

Community Group Percentage (%)

Total No. of

seats per class

No. of seats

reserved for girls


1 2 3 4 5
SC   15 3 1
ST   6 1 0





A 7 1 0
B 10 2 1
C 1 0 0
D 7 1 0
E 4 1 0
OC   50 10 3
Total 20 5


a) While admitting students, necessary care should be taken to allot minimum 33.33% seats to girls as indicated above.

b) In case of ST, BC-A, D and E communities, one additional seat is to be allotted for girls students of these communities based on availability of applicants in the order of ST, BC-A, D and E in addition to the number indicated above considering the non-availability of roaster points to girls in the above communities, from the unfilled seats.

i. Unfilled seats in any reserved communities will be transferred to other reserved communities in the order of most disadvantaged to the least disadvantaged communities.

a. In case of unfilled seats in any reserved communities, the unfilled seats will be transferred as below.

S. No. Unfilled seats in the category Unfilled seats transferred to in the order of categories
1 SC ST /BC(A,B,C,D,E) / OC
2 ST SC/BC(A,B,C,D,E) / OC
3 BC BC-A, B,C,D,E (prima facie with in the category) /SC /ST/ OC
4 OC Students from other Mandals in the order of SC/ST/BC(A,B,C,D,E)

Students from other




a. There shall be no income limitation to the parent/guardian of the student. However poor income students should not affected under any circumstances.

b. While starting the drawl of lots open competition seats should be filled in as a first instance duly considering the all candidates applied for respective classes. Separate lots should be drawn for all reserved categories for both gender.

5. Procedure of Admissions:

1. The A.P. Model Schools society, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati shall issue a notification inviting applications for admission into Model Schools for admission into VI class and Left over vacancies of classes VII, VIII and IX and first year Intermediate of MPC, BiPC, MEC and CEC groups, by hosting the online application in the website www.apms.ap.gov.in of Model Schools and will inform the public through news item and advertisement along with the admission schedule.
2. The lists of applicants class wise and community wise will be sent to the selection committee for drawl of lots or selection for VI class and left over vacancies of classes VII,VIII and IX by the state office.
3. For Intermediate Admissions list of applied candidates will be sent to the district selection committee to take up as per the merit secured SSC examinations by the state office to the Convener of district committee.
4. While preparing selection lists, a waiting list of 20% seats also shall be prepared and candidates will be admitted in the order serial number from the waiting list for the left over vacancies of the selection lists.
5. The selection of the students will be made through a committee formed under the Chairmanship of Joint Collector of the district either at a central place in one or more days depending on the number of schools located in the District. The constitution of the committee shall be as below:

 Joint Collector (Education matters) – Chairman
 District Educational Officer – Vice Chairman
 Regional Inspecting Officer, BIE – Member (for Intermediate only)
 Assistant Director of Model Schools – Member
 One Principal of nominated by the Joint Collector – Member
(to co-ordinate the work of admissions of all the schools in the district)
 Principal of the Model School – Member- (While finalizing the admissions of that school)

a. The Committee will draw the lots in presence of parents/ public representatives to ensure complete transparency in selection of students for admissions.

b. The left over vacancies of any class in a Model School will be allotted to students from other Mandals only after exhausting the list of students of that particular Mandal.
c. The Selection lists and Waiting lists shall be displayed at DEO’s Office,
MEOs Office and in the school premises after completion of admission process by the Committee. A news item shall be released for the benefit of public of the Mandal and to help the selected students to approach for finalizing their admission in the school.
d. The District Collector as the Chairman of the District Executive Committee can allot 5% of seats per class of 80 students and not exceeding 20 per school over and above the sanctioned strength for the regular employees of Model Schools. These students can enjoy the benefit of free education only. No other schemes are applicable to them.
e. In case of any dispute in admission, the decision of the Collector and
Chairman of District Executive Committee for Model Schools shall be final. f. The Principal of the Model School of the respective Mandal shall take steps to admit the selected students duly verifying the certificates and maintain
Admission and Withdrawal Register for the School.
g. The Principal of respective Model Schools shall hold the records of whole admission process for further correspondence.

6. The Commissioner of School Education and Joint Director, A.P. Model Schools, Andhra Pradesh shall take necessary action in the matter, accordingly.


AP Model Schools Inter 1st year Admissions   Notification.