Free Long term Coaching for IIT / NIT/ Medical/ Engineering Entrance Exams in APRJCs

Free Long term Coaching for IIT / NIT/ Medical/ Engineering Entrances to APRJC Students

Long term coaching for IIT / NIT/ Medical/Engineering Entrance Exams in A.P. Residential Junior Colleges 2016-17, Long term IIT/NIT/Medical/Engineering entrance exam coaching to APRJC Students 2017,  Long term free coaching to APRJC Students, Long term free coaching to IIT / NIT/ Medical/Engineering Entrance Exam 2016-2017. Long term coaching for IIT / NIT/ Medical/Engineering Entrance Exam in A.P. Residential Junior Colleges from the academic year 2016-17. IIT / NIT/ Medical/Engineering Entrance Exam Coaching to APRJC Students for 2017: APREI Society is going to conduct of short term coaching to the students of APR Jr.Colleges for IIT / NIT/ Medical/Engineering Entrance Exams.

Government of Andhra Pradesh, School Education (TRG) Department
G.O.RT.No. 21 , Dated: 02-02-2017
School Education Department – A.P.Residential Educational Institutions Society, Hyderabad – Sanction of an amount of Rs.111.95 lakhs from the B.E. 2016-17 towards conducting long term coaching for IIT / NIT/ Medical/Engineering Entrance Examination in A.P. Residential Junior Colleges from the academic year 2016-17 – Administrative sanction Accorded – Orders – Issued.

1. From the Secretary, A.P. Residential Educational Institutions Society, Hyderabad, Lr.Rc.No 234/B4-4/2016,dt: 27.04.2016.
2. G.O.Rt.No.192 SE(TRG) Department, dated 22.08.2016.
3. G.O.Rt.No.2102, Finance (FMU.EDN) Department, dated 27.10.2016.

Free Long term Coaching  to APRJC Students 2016-17 

In pursuance of the Budget Release Order issued by Finance (FMU.EDN) Department in the reference 3rd read above, Government hereby accord administrative sanction for an amount of Rs.111.95 Lakhs (Rupees One Crore Eleven Lakhs Ninety Five Thousand only/-) as additional funds in relaxation of Treasury control and quarterly regulation orders pending provision of funds by obtaining supplementary Grants at the appropriate time during 2016-17 towards conducting long term coaching for IIT/NIT/Medical/Engineering Entrance Examination, in A.P. Residential Junior Colleges from the academic year 2016-17 under the Head of Account “2202-03-104-00-08-310-312”.

2. The Commissioner of School Education, AP, Ibrahimpatnam shall take necessary action accordingly, and the procedure drawal of amount shall be followed as indicated in the BRO.


#Long term IIT/NIT/Medical/Engineering entrances Free coaching to APRJC Students 2017
#CBSE NEET 2017 for Admission to MBBS/BDS Courses.