MDM Scheme Cooking Cost Revised/ New Rates w.e.f.01-04-2019 for AP Schools-GO.222

MDM New Rates Cooking cost Enhanced for AP, TS Schools from 1st April, 2019MDM Scheme Cooking Cost Revised/ New Rates From 01-04-2019 for AP Schools-GO.222
MDM Scheme Cooking Cost Revised/ New Rates From 01-04-2019 for AP Schools-GO.222 Dated: 05-09-2019.  Mid Day Meal Scheme Cooking Cost Revised Rates, New Rates. National Program of MDM/ Mid Day Meal Scheme for the year 2019-20,  AP GO.222, National Programme of Mid Day Meal Scheme w.e.f 1/4/2019 from Rs.4.35/- to Rs.4.48/- for Primary Schools and Rs.6.51/- to Rs. 6.71/- for Upper Primary Schools as per GOI norms For classes IX & Xth, Government also here by enhance the Cooking cost from  1st april 2019. g.o details available in this page.

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G.O.RT.No. 222, Dated: 05-09-2019
School Education Department – Mid Day Meal Scheme – Enhancement of cooking cost of Primary and Upper Primary and High Schools under Mid Day Meal Scheme – Orders – Issued.

Read : From the Commissioner of School Education, A.P., Amaravati, Lr.Rc.No.ESE02-27021/101/2019-MDM-CSE, dt:02.07.2019

From the Commissioner of School Education, A.P., Amaravati, Lr.Rc.No.ESE02-27021/101/2019-MDM-CSE, dt:02.07.2019

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The Commissioner of School Education in the letter read above, has stated that the Under Secretary, DSE&L, MHRD, Govt. of India, New Delhi vide lr.No.1- 2/2018-Desk (MDM), dt:24.06.2019 has informed that the cooking cost under National Programme of Mid Day Meal Scheme in Schools (NP-MDMS) has been increased by 3.09% over and above the existing cooking cost w.e.f.01.04.2019. for the year 2019-20. The cooking cost will be shared between the Centre and State in the ratio of 60:40 for primary and upper primary classes. She has therefore requested for necessary executive orders for enhancement of the cooking cost rate by 3.09% over and above the existing cooking cost for classes I to VIII, NCLP (60:40) and also for IX and X classes (100%) from 01.04.2019.

2. Government, after careful examination of the matter, hereby enhance the cooking cost per child per day by 3.09% over and above the existing rates for Primary, Upper Primary, NCLP classes as stated below w.e.f. 01.04.2019.

Stage Existing Rate of Cooking Cost up to


After enhancement rate (3.09%) by Gol, Cooking Cost per Child per day w.e.f.01.O4.2019
Central Share (60%) State share



Cost per Child per Day








Cost per Child per Day

Primary Rs.2.61 Rs.1.74 Rs.4.35 Rs.2.69 Rs.1.79 Rs.4.48


Rs.3.91 Rs.2.60 Rs.6.51 Rs.4.03 Rs.2.68 Rs.6.71

Read: AP MDM Attendance Mobile app New version

3. Government have also enhance the Cooking cost for classes IX & X, from Rs.6.51 to Rs. 6.71 w.e.f 1/4/2019 as a (100%) State share for providing Mid Day Meals.

4. The Commissioner of School Education, A.P. shall meet the expenditure for Primary Upper Primary NCLP (60:40 Central and State Share) and IX & X classes (100% State share) from the existing cooking cost.

5. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (FMU-School Edn) Dept vide their U.O.No.FMU0BES (SE)/29/2019, dated:19.8..2019.

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#MDM Scheme Cooking Cost Revised Rates w.e.f.01-04-2019 for AP Schools-GO.222


MDM Scheme Cooking Cost Revised/ New Rates From 01-07-2016 for AP Schools-GO.260
Government of Andhra Pradesh, School Education (Prog.I) Department
G.O.Rt.No.260 Dated: 21/10/2016
School Education – Mid Day Meal Scheme – Enhancement of cooking cost of Primary and Upper Primary and High Schools for Implementation of Mid Day Meal Programme -Orders – Issued.

1. From the Director (MDM), GOI, MHRD, Department of School Education & Literacy, MDM Division, F.No.11-1/2011- Desk (MDM),Dated: 1/7/2016.
2. From Commissioner and Director of School Education, A.P., Hyderabad, Letter Rc.No.01/MDM-1/2014, dated 5/7/2016.

In the reference 1st read above, Ministry of HRD, Department of school Education & Literacy, Government of India have increased the cooking cost for 2016-17 @ 7% over and above the cooking cost for the year 2014-15 for Primary and Upper Primary Schools. w.e.f 1/7/2016.

2. In the reference 2nd read above, the Commissioner and Director of School Education, A.P., Hyderabad has requested the Government to issue orders for enhancement of cooking cost under National Programme of Mid Day Meal Scheme w.e.f 1/7/2016 from Rs.4.86/- to Rs.5.13/- for Primary Schools and Rs.6.78/- to Rs. 7.18/- for Upper Primary Schools as per GOI norms.She has also requested to enhance the cooking cost for classes IX & X th from Rs.6.38/- to Rs. 7.18/- as 100% State share.

3. Government, after careful examination of the proposal, hereby enhance the existing Cooking cost by 7% over and above the rates of the previous year 2015- 16 for Primary Schools, Upper Primary Schools and High Schools w.e.f. 1/7/2016 is as below:(Amount in rupees)

Stage Existing rate for 2015-16 Total After enhancement of rate by GOI by 7% w.e.f.01/07/2016 Total after revised
Central Share (75%) Actual State Share (25%) Addl. Commi tment of State Central share (60%) (As per GOI letter) Stat e shar e (40% ) Addition al commit ment of Rs.1.00
Primary 2.32 1.54 1.00 4.86 2.48 1.65 1.00 5.13
Upper Primary 3.47 2.31 1.00 6.78 3.71 2.47 1.00 7.18

4. For classes IX & Xth, Government also here by enhance the Cooking cost from Rs.6.78 to Rs. 7.18 w.e.f 1/7/2016 as a (100%) State share for providing Mid Day Meals.
5. She is also requested to examine the modalities of centralized kitchens within the existing budget.
6. The Commissioner of School Education shall take further necessary action in the matter.
7. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O.No.41022/37/2016-S.O(FMU.EDN), dt.14/9/2016.

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