How to apply for MJPTBCWREIS 6th,7th, 8th Class Entrance Test 2024 – Online Application submissions for TS BC Welfare gurukulam schools on
How to apply for TS BC Welfare 6th, 7th , 8th Class Entrance Test 2024, MJP TS BC Welfare Submit TS BC Gurukulam CET Online Application form at

TS BC Gurukul CET 2024 (TS BC Welfare 6th, 7th, 8th Class Entrance Test) Application submission
Telangang Govenrment has published the TS BC Gurukul CET 2024 (TS BC Welfare 6th, 7th Class Entrance Test) notification for admission into 6th class, 7th Class, 8th class for the academic year 2024-2024 in MJPTBCWREIS Schools. TS BC Gurukul CET officials invite the online applications from the eligible and interested students for appearing 6th Class, 7th Class 8th class Common Entrance Test for admission in TS BC Gurukulams for 2024-2024. Online Fee payment and application submission procedure details given here. Candidate seeking admission into 6th 7th and 8th classes at MJPTBC Residential Schools for the academic year 2024-2025 shall apply for entrance test through online by visiting 33 Districts of Telangana State students are eligible for admission. Fee Payment Service and Submission of application is provided on TS BC Gurukul CET Website for Common Entrance Test for Admission into 6th Class,7th, 8th class for the academic year 2024-25.
READ: TS BC 6th,7th,8th Class MJP Gurukul CET 2024 notification details
Mode of fee payment: Telangana BC Gurukul CET- 2024 Applications should be submitted through online mode only. The Registration fee for online submission must be paid through payment gateway (Credit card/Debit card/ Net Banking). After getting Unique Registration Number(URN), candidate is requested to submit the application and the candidate is required to download the application, hall ticket and take the printout.
How to apply for MJPTBCWREIS 6th,7th, 8th Class Entrance Test 2024
1. The candidate shall first go through the information bulletin carefully and satisfy their eligibility for appearing for MJPTBCWR CET-2024/ 6th, 7th class TS BC Gurukul CET 2024.
2. The candidate after satisfying himself about the eligibility criteria for the submission of application through online shall pay a fee of Rs. 100/- through PAYMENT GATEWAY for submission of application through online.
3. At the PAYMENT GATEWAY centre, the candidate has to give the required preliminary data (i.e. Name of the candidate, Date of Birth and Mobile No.) On receipt of fee at PAYMENT GATEWAY, the candidate shall be issued a journal number with which he can proceed with submission of application through online through the website Issue of Journal number does not mean that the candidate has completed submission of application online. It is only a confirmation of the fee received.
4. Before submission of the online application form, the candidate has to upload the photo.
5. The candidates shall follow the procedure for submission of online application as given in the ‘Information Bulletin’ and also as per the instructions provided online while filling up the online application form. The candidate should be ready with photograph of size 3.5 x 4.5 cms before filling online application. The photo should be scanned and uploaded along with the application form.
6. While filling the online application, the candidate has to opt the course.
7. On submission of application online, the candidate has to take a copy (print) of application form in which a reference number also be given. This reference number is required to download the Hall Ticket. The copy of online application is to be preserved for further reference.
8. For any mistakes/incorrect information, the candidate is solely held responsible. Hence they must take utmost care while filling the online application.
9. The applications of the ineligible candidates will be rejected.
10. The selected candidate should be able to produce the original certificates at the time of admission as a proof to the information furnished in the application.
11. The selection of the candidate will be summarily rejected if they fail to submit the necessary documents at the time of admission.
General Instructions to the candidates:
1. The candidates are personally held responsible for incorrect information furnished in the application form.
2. The Principal of the school concerned reserves the right to cancel the admission at any stage, if the particulars furnished by the candidate are found incorrect or against the rules of admission.
3. In case of tie among the candidates with same marks in the entrance test, the order of the merit will be decided
4. The information furnished in the application by the candidate will only be considered and registered and if any candidate fails to fill the information completely or given wrong information, the fault lies with the candidate only.
Schedule for applying online application/ Important Dates:
Activity | Date |
Application Start Date | 08/01/2024 |
Application End Date | 15/02/2024 |
Payment Start and End Date |
08/01/2024 To 15/02/2024 |
Hall tickets download from | Feb-2024 |
Entrance Exam Date | 03/03/2024 (10:00 AM To 12:00 PM) |
Apply for TS BC Gurukul CET 2024 :
Online applications were invited through its 6th,7th, 8th Class Exam official admission portal,
Parents who are interested to join their children in TS BC Gurukulams can check details and download Telangana BC Gurukul CET prospects from the admission portal.
Parents need to visit the website by entering the web address, in your browser.
Parents who wants to join their children in Telangana BC Gurukulams can check details and submit the online application form with necessary documents and required information at MJP TSBCWREIS official website
How to submit MJPTBCWREIS Online Application Form
Step 1: Pay the fee through Fee payment service of TS BC Gurkul CET Portal. After completion of Fee payment, candidate should receive the Journal Number.
Step 2: Upload the Photo with use of Journal Number
Step 3: Fill the application with required information
Step 4: Review your Submitted data. If you want changes, you can change in this step.
Step 5: Now Submit the application form and take a print with your Hall ticket and preserve it.
Online application for MJPTBCWREIS 6th,7th,8th admission test 2024
User Manual for- TSMJBC VI, VII & VIII CLASS for the academic year(2024-25) for BACKLOG VACANCIES
Backlog Vacancies List – MJPBCW-BACKLOG VI-VIII CLASS-2024
Official Website :
How to apply for MJPTBCWREIS VI,VII,VIII Class entrance Test 2024
Mahatma Jyothiba Phule BC Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society, BACKLOG CET Admission Test for classes VI,VII,VIII for the academic year(2024-25)
Online Payment Form
Applying for *
Select Class
District belongs to *
Select District
Candidate Name *
Community *
Select Community
Mobile Number *
Do you belong to Telangana State * Yes No
Gender * Male Female
Choose Payment Gateway *
Bill desk Payment Gateway
Amount *
Enter Verification Code as
displayed in the image *
Provide Candidate Valid Mobile Number in Payment Form. Any future Communication (Message Alerts) will be sent to Candidate Mobile Number Only.
Provide Candidate Valid Name,Mobile Number,Community,Gender and other Details. No Changes are entertained after Payment.
Candidate alone responsible for any wrong entries (Mobile Number,Community,Gender….) made in the Payment form.
I Declare that I have read the information bulletin of TSMJBC VI,VII,VIII (2024-25) and found myself fully eligible to appear for the entrance test as per the criteria mentioned in the Information Bulletin.
Mahatma Jyothiba Phule BC Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society, BACKLOG CET Admission Test for classes VI,VII,VIII for the academic year(2024-25)
Note :
Details furnished in the application are final. Subsequent requests for corrections will not be entertained for wrong filling of application.
After payment of fee using PAYMENT GATEWAY , candidate has to visit this website to submit application
Payment Details
Journal No *
(Generated at PAYMENT GATEWAY after payment)
Date Of Payment *
Date Of Birth *
Upload Photograph with Signature
Paste the Photo on any white paper and Sign below. Ensure that the signature is within the box. Scan only the photograph along with the signature. Please do not scan the complete page.
The entire image consisting of the photo along with the signature is required to be scanned and stored in *.jpg format on local machine. Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 50kb.If the size of the file is more than 50kb, then adjust the settings of the scanner such as the dpi resolution, no. of colours etc., during the process of scanning.
Example Photo : File to upload: *No file chosen
I Declare I have read the Detailed Notification and user guide.
Enter the Verification Code as displayed in the image :
Tags: Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society, MJPTBCWREIS, MJPTBCWR CET 2024, TS BC Gurukul CET, How to Submit Online Application on, MJPTBCWREIS RJC 6th/7th class Entrance Test 2024, Apply Online at, How to Apply, Important dates, MJPTBCWR Junior College Entrance Test 2024-2025 TS BC Gurukul CET 2024 Web Portal: