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  • Web Counselling Process to Allotment of Places - Exercising Web Options - Video Demo - TeachersBuzz

    Web Counselling Process to Allotment of Places – Exercising Web Options – Video Demo

    Web Counselling Process to Allotment of Places – Exercising Web Options – Video Demo

    Telangana Govt decided to conduct Online Transfers to teachers through web Options. As it is First time conducting Transfers Online Mode, Teachers need to get knowledge about Filling Online Application Form in http://cdse.telangana.gov.in i.e How to Submit Online Application Form Required Information and Documents while going to do Submission of Online Application Form for Transfers, Certificates to be uploaded, Process to Exercise web Options

    Web Options Counselling Process Alloment of Places
    Step by Step process to be followed for fillingOnline Transfer Application Form

    1. Go to http://cdse.telangana.gov.in
    2. Click on the Application for Teacher Transfers
    3. Fill in the application form as per the instructions given in the User Guide and Government Orders and also keeping in mind the clarifications issued from time to time.
    4. Confirm the next dialogue box (i.e., Fields marked with ‘*’ are compulsory). It is advised to submit mobile phone numbers that are in working condition and keep it in use till completion of the whole transfer process, as all communications will be sent through sms from time to time
    5. Enter your 7-digit Treasury Id, Date of Birth,and enter the verification code
    6. The application will be opened.
    Auto-Populated Fields:

    1. When the application form is opened, you will find that the some of the fields are auto populated. This is done to make the process of submitting your application easy and quick. The fields that are auto- populated or filled up in advance with the required information are:
    2. Name of the District
    3. Mandal
    4. Treasury Id, Date of Birth
    5. Gender
    6. Present working School Code with name and management
    7. In case of HM/Teacher is a Recognised Teachers’ Union Office bearer, the system will generate the points as per the orders of Government
    8. If the datais not correct or does not relate to the candidate, press ‘BACK’ button.

    Preview, Submit, Reference number

    1. After filling all the details, press PREVIEW button,it will display the details submitted by them.
    2. Ifall the details arefound to be correct, press SUBMIT
    3. If some of the details are not found to be correct, press EDIT and resubmit the information.
    4. Verify the correctness of the entitlement points obtained before the submission of their applications.
    5. On submission of application form online the candidate shall be given reference ID number which should be kept carefully for any kind of future correspondence. Submission of application can be considered to have been completed only on receiving reference ID number.
    6. On completion of submission, the candidates shall take a printout of the application, along with the certificates and store it for future use.
    7. Certificates to be uploaded
    8. HM/Teacher claiming the points mentioned below, need to upload the certificatesas indicated in Government orders.
    9. Spouse Certificate
    10. Teacher Award
    11. Union officer bearer
    12. If NCC officer, the certificate issued by the Commandant Officer, if Bharat Scouts and Guide, the certificate issued by the DEO concerned
    13. Sports participation certificate counter signed by Chairperson, SMC committee.
    14. Inspire / Science Fair participation certificate counter signed by Chairperson, SMC committee
    15. Respective certificate, that comes under preferential category

    HM/Teacher need to log on to http://cdse.telangana.gov.in
    Click Submission of web options
    Enter their Reference ID, OTP the verification code received through their registered mobile. (it is advised to give the working conditioned mobiles only)
    After this web option, screen will be displayed with following auto populated values.

    1. Name of the Teacher
    2. Treasury ID
    3. Category of the post
    4. Subject
    5. Medium
    6. Whether 8 years completed or not?
    7. Whether effected by Rationalisation
    8. Present working Place, Mandal etc.
    9. The HM/Teacher who comes under compulsory transfer, they have to choose all the available vacancies except their present working place.Others may select at least one vacancy.
    10. Then after the Name of Mandals where the vacancies are available including the vacancies likely to be arose gets displayed on the left side column of the screen.
    11. The Mandals have to be selected in the preferential order as desired by Teacher. The selected Mandals will be moved to right side column of the screen in the selected order. In right side column of the screen, there is also a provision to change the selection order of the Mandals by moving up or down.
    12. After selection of Mandals then need to press SUBMIT button to get the school names where the vacancies are available.
    13. After submit button, the next screen gets displayed with two columns. In the left column of the screen the schools names gets displayed as in the order of preferential Mandals chosen by the individual.
    14. As in the case of selection of Mandal, here also, School Names are to be selected in thepreferential order for web counselling and selected school names will be moved to right side column of the screen in the selected order. In right side column of the screen, there is also a provision to change the selection order of the School names by moving up or down.
    15. After selecting all the details, press PREVIEW button. This will display the details submitted by them.
    16. If they found that all the details are correct, press SUBMIT otherwise press EDIT and resubmit the information.
    17. Editing of web option is allowed for ONE time by sending OTP to their registered Mobiles.

    Based on the web options exercised by the individual and Seniority of the teacher, the allotment process will be done and transferred teachers’ details along with proceedings will be hosted in the website.

    Process to Allotment of Places in Web Counselling

    DO’S & DON’TS

    1. Treasury Id should be remembered
    2. Registered mobile number should not be changed, if any change is there, it should be informed through concerned DEO.
    3. Before submitting of application, please verify all the information entered is correct or not.
    4. Do not share the OTPs received withany others
    5. Keep a printed copy of the Application, Web options exercised
    6. Visit the official web site regularly for all other updates.
    7. Before, exercising the web options, work out the vacancies available in a required manner, studying the list of desired Mandals, list of vacancies available, emerging, etc., After this, exercise the web options.
    8. All the uploaded certificatesshould be submitted to the concerned officers i.e.., MEO/Dy. EO/DEO.
    9. Verify the correctness of the entitlement points obtained before the submission of their applications.

    TS Teachers Transfers Complete Info

    Online teacher Transfers Submission of Online Application Form Documents upload Web Options Exercising process Download Sumitted Application Form online-transfers-to-teachers-in-telangana-process-filling-application-form-exercising-web-options