TS Schools Toilets Daily Maintenance by utilizing the school grants under SSA &RMSA during 2016-17-TSSA RC 108
Daily Maintenance of Toilets in the Govt and local body schools,utilizing the school grants under SSA &RMSA during 2016-17 TS Schools Toilets Daily Maintenance by...
Attender/Part time workers Engagement in TS Schools for Toilets Maintenance, Cleaning Premises and Watering Plants
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Funeral Charges/Obsequies charges Enhanced to deceased TS Govt Employees-GO.122 &GO.240
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APTWREIS TGT’s Recruitment Hall Tickets, Results/selection List
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APTWREIS JL’s ,PGTs Recruitment Hall Tickets, Results/selection List 2016 | aptwgurukulam.ap.gov.in
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General Provident Fund (GPF) Rate of interest for the Financial Year 2016-17-TS GO.2075
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Fee exemption to Establishment/ Up-gradation of schools in Telangana-TS Govt GO.28
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AP RBSK Posts District wise Merit List/Selection List 2016- AP RBSK Results,Marks.
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TSPSC 2118 Posts recruitment in Health and Medical Dept of Telangana State -TS GO.89
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