PRC 2015 Scales to APTWREIS Gurukulam Teaching, Non Teaching Staff -GO.116

PRC 2015 Scales to APTWREIS Gurukulam Teaching, Non Teaching Staff -GO.116
PRC 2015 Scales to APTWREIS Gurukulam Teaching, Non Teaching Staff -GO.116. PRC 2015 Scales to Gurukulam Teaching,Non Teaching Staff (APTWREIS), Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Residentials 10th PRC new scales/salaries Revised Pay Scales, New PRC Scales. Government of Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare(TW.EDN.2) Department, G.O.Ms.No.116 Dated.07-12-2016 Tribal Welfare Department – Education – Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (Gurukulam) – Revised Pay Scales, 2015 – Applicability to the Teaching and Non-Teaching staff of the Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society, Tadepalli – Orders – Issued.

Government of Andhra Pradesh, Social Welfare (TW.EDN.2) Department,
G.O.Ms.No.116 Dated.07-12-2016
Tribal Welfare Department – Education – Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (Gurukulam) – Revised Pay Scales, 2015 – Applicability to the Teaching and Non-Teaching staff of the Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society, Tadepalli – Orders – Issued.

1) G.O.Ms.No.30, SW (TW.Edn.II) Department, Dt.23.04.2011.
2) G.O.Ms.No.46, Finance (HRM-V-PC) Department, Dt.30-04-2015.
3) Representation of APTREINTA, Thirupathi, Dt.13-05-2015.
4) Representation of APTREITA, Lr.Rc.No.45 & 49/15, Dt.14-05-2015.
5) Letter received from Secretary, APTWREI Society (Gurukulam), Lr.Rc.No.646/B1/2015-16, Dt.04-08-2015.

1. In the reference 2nd read above, the Government in Finance (HRM.V.PC) Department has sanctioned Revised Scales (RPS), 2015 to the Government Employees with effect from 1st July, 2013 with monetary benefit from 2nd June, 2014 onwards, as per the recommendations of the Pay Revision Commission (PRC). These Revised pay scales were also made applicable to the employees of Local bodies and Aided institutions.

2. In the references 5th read above, the Secretary, Gurukulam has stated that the Gurukulam has been started functioning from 1.6.1999 and the Pay Scales were revised earlier in RPS’ 1999 and RPS’ 2005 and RPS’ 2010 when the Tribal Residential Institutions were under the control of APTWREI Society in the common State. Further he has stated that in the reference 3rd & 4th read above the APTREINTA & Teacher’s Association of Gurukulam and Federation of Government Residential Teachers and Employees Organization have represented to extend the higher pay scales to Teaching and Non-teaching staff working in Residential Institutions.

3. Further, the Secretary, Gurukulam has stated that Government in G.O.Ms.No.30, SW (TW.Edn.2) Dept., Dt.23-04-2010 have issued orders extending the Revised Pay Scales, 2010 to the Teaching and Non-Teaching employees of Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Residential Institutions Society (APTWREIS).

4. The Secretary Gurukulam has further stated that according to existing Financial and Accounts Rules, 1999 of Gurukulam under rule 6(IV) the Revised Pay Scales which were ordered by Government in respect of Government Employees from time to time shall be extended to all the officers and staff including Teaching and Non-teaching staff of the APTWREI Society (Gurukulam).

5. The Secretary, Gurukulam has further stated that all the posts in Head office and Institutions are sanctioned by the Government and the salaries are being sanctioned within the budget of the sanctioned amount to the said posts and the proposals are submitted to Government as per cadre strength every year accordingly, the budget is being sanctioned to meet the demand.

6. Further, the Secretary Gurukulam has stated that an amount of Rs.77,25,80,000/- (Rupees Seventy seven crores twenty five lakhs eighty thousand only) is provided in the B.E. 2015-16 towards Salaries under the Head of Account 2225-02-277-GH(00)-SH(12)-310/311–Grants-in-Aid.

7. The Secretary Gurukulam has therefore requested the Government to issue orders for implementation of RPS’ 2015 to all teaching and Non teaching staff of APTWREI Society at the earliest.

8. Government after careful examination of the proposal of the Secretary, Gurukulam, hereby order to extend the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 to the Teaching & Non-Teaching Employees of Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Residential Institutions Society (APTWREIS) by improving one grade to the scales assigned to the posts shown in the Annexure to this order.
Existing scales in RPS’2010 Corresponding scales in RPS’2015
1 2 3 4
1 Joint Secretary (H.O.) 27000-51760 52590-103290
2 Deputy Secretary (H.O) 23650-49360 46060- 98440
3 Assst. Secretary (H.O) 19050-45850 37100-91450
4 Asst. Secretary (HO) 19050-45850 37100-91450
5 Junior Accounts Officer 14860-39540 28940- 78910
6 Principal (College) 23650-49360 46060- 98440
7 Principal (School) 21820-48160 42490-96110
8 Junior Lecturer 19050-45850 37100-91450
9 PD College 19050-45850 37100-91450
10 PGT 18030-43630 35120-87130
11 PD School 14860-39540 28940- 78910
12 TGT 15280-40510 29760- 80930
13 PETs 11530-33200 22460- 66330
14 Art. Craft Music 11530-33200 22460- 66330
15 Librarian (College) 18030-43630 35120-87130
16 Superintendent 14860-39540 28940- 78910
17 Senior Asst. /  Sr.Steno 11530-33200 22460- 66330
18 Junior Asst/ Jr.Steno/Typist 9200-27000 17890-53950
19 Staff Nurse 12910-36700 25140- 73270
20 ANM 10900-31550 21230-63010
21 Record Asst/Lab.Assts 7960-23650 15460- 47330
22 Driver 8440-24950 16400-49870
  23 Off. Subordinate / Ayahs, Cook, sweeper , Helpers, MPWs, Watchman   6900-20680   13390-41380

9. The fixation of Pay shall be allowed notionally from 1.7.2013 and the monetary benefits from 02.06.2014 in terms of orders issued in reference 2nd read above.
10. The Secretary, APTWREI Society shall follow all the orders issued by the Government in the matter from time to time in addition to the orders issued in the reference 2nd read above.
11. The additional expenditure involved for the implementation of the corresponding Revised Pay Scales 2015 shall be met from overall savings of the Gurukulam Society.
12. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (PC) Department vide their U.O.Note.33024/45/HR.IV-PC/2016, Dt.06-12-2016.

#PRC 2015 Scales to APTWREIS

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#PRC 2015 Scales to AP Gurukulam Teaching, Non Teaching Staff -GO.116