MDM Mid-day Meals timings during half day schools in AP | Serve MDM at 11 AM

 MDM Mid-day Meals timings during half day schools in AP | Serve MDM at 11 AM
 MDM Mid-day Meals timings during half day schools in AP | Serve MDM at 11 AM. Mid Day Meals timings during Half Day Schools.  Mid Day Meals(MDM) timings during Half Day Schools, MDM timings during Half day schools, Serve MDM at 11.00 AM during Half Day Schools. The Commissioner of School Education AP Amaravathi issued Mid Day Meals timings during Half Day Schools through vide proceedings  Rc.No.25/MDM/2017, Dated.03-03-2017. Change MDM timings during the half day Schools to 11.00 AM and for the schools where exam centre for SSC exams are there, the MDM is to be served  before starting of school i.e., scheduled fro 1.00 to 5.00 pm working hours.

 Sub:- Mid Day Meal Scheme – Request for change of Mid Day Meals timings during half day schools – Instructions – Reg. Read:- Rc.No.40/A 8 I /2017 Dt:07/03/2017 of the Commissioner of School Education, AP, Amaravathi .

The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the reference read above and they are instructed to change the MDM timings during the half day schools to 11.00 am, so that the children do not remain hungry for a long period of time. For the schools where examination centre for 10th Class exams are there, the MDM is to be served before starting of school i.e., scheduled for 1.00 to 5.00 P.M. working hours.

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Proceedings Of The Commissioner Of School Education, Andhra Pradesh , Hyderabad
RC.N0.55/ MDM/ 2016 Dated:14/03/2016.

Mid Day Meal Scheme – Request for change of  Mid-day Meals timings during half day schools – Instructions – Reg.

This office ProgsRc.No: 02/A & 1/2015 DC 01.03-2015

1. All the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that the functioning of Half Day school is scheduled from 08-03-2016.

2. In this connection they are instructed to

Change the MDM timings during the half day schools to 11.00 am so that the children do not remain hungry for a long period of time

3. For the schools scheduled for 1.00 PM to 5.00 PM working hours in view of they being examination centre for 10th Class examination, the MDM is to be served before starting of school at 1.00PM.

These instructions are to be followed scrupulously without fail.

RC.N0.55/ MOM/ 2016 Dated:14/03/2016.