Special Pays to Teachers working in Visually, Hearing Handicapped Children Institutions-AP GO.111

Revised Special Pays to Teachers working in Visually, Hearing Handicapped Children Institutions in RPS-2015
Enhancement of the Special Pays to the Teachers working in Visually Handicapped and Hearing Handicapped Children in Disabled Welfare Department. Allowances – Andhra Pradesh Manual of Special Pay and Allowances – Recommendations of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission – Revised rates of Special Pays to the Teachers working in Visually Handicapped and Hearing Handicapped Children – Orders – Issued.

Government of Andhra Pradesh,Finance (HR.VI-TFR-A&L-TA) Department
G.O.Ms.No.111,Dated:18-06-2016, Read the following:-
1. G.O.Ms.No.118, Finance (TA) Department, dt. 07-04-2010.
2. G.O.Ms.No.46, Finance (HR.IV) Department, dt. 30-04-2015.
3. G.O.Ms.No.171, Finance (HR.VI-TFR-A&L-TA) Department, Dated: 11-12-2015.

In the Government Order second read above, based on the recommendations of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission, orders were issued implementing the Revised Pay Scales, 2015.

2. The Tenth Pay Revision Commission is its report on Special Pays, recommended for revision rates of Special Pays. It is also recommended that no Special Pays be paid to any category over and above of what is recommended by the Pay Revision Commission.

3. In the reference 3rd read above, orders were issued that the Special Pays be paid at the revised rates to the holders of the posts as specified in the Annexure to the said G.O.

4. The P.R.C.2015 has also recommended for enhancement of the Special Pays to the Teachers working in Visually Handicapped and Hearing Handicapped Children in Disabled Welfare Department.

5. Accordingly the Government hereby order to revise these special pays payable to the categories shown below and working in Disabled Welfare Department in Revised Pay Scales 2015.Teachers working in Visually Handicapped and Hearing Handicapped children.

Revised Special Pays to Teachers working in Visually, Hearing Handicapped Children Institutions in RPS-2015:


Department. & Category Existing

amounts (Rs.)


amount (Rs.)

1 Principal Rs.300/- p.m. Rs.450/- p.m.
2 Post Graduate Teacher Rs.250/- p.m. Rs.375/- p.m.
3 Trained Graduate Teachers /

L.T. Assts. / School Assts. & Gr.I Languages Pandits

Rs.250/- p.m. Rs.375/- p.m.
4 SecondaryGradeBasic


Grade.II Language Pandits.

Rs.200/- p.m. Rs.300/- p.m.
5. HigherElementaryGrade


Rs.130/- p.m. Rs.190/- p.m.
6. Special Teachers: Rs.130/- p.m. Rs.190/- p.m.
a. Mobility Orientation TrainingTeacher (MOTT)

b. Craft Teacher c. Music Teacher

d. PhysicalEducation

Teacher (PET)

6. These orders shall come into force from 01-12-2015.

7. Necessary amendments to the Andhra Pradesh Manual of Special Pay and Allowances shall be issued in due course.

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Special Pays to Teachers working in Visually, Hearing Handicapped Children Institutions-GO.111