Telangana Schools Summer Holidays 2019 Vacation, Closing, Re-opening by TS DSE. TS Schools summer vacation to begin from April 20th. Summer Holidays to Telangana Schools from April 13th to June 11th, 2019: Summer Holidays to TS Schools from April 13th and Schools Reopen on June 12 : Summer Holidays to TS Schools from April 13th to June 11th, 2019 and and TS Schools Reopen on June 12: TS Govt is thinking to declare holidays due to heavy heat weather in Telangana. The Department of School Education, Government of Telangana has reviewed the advisories issued by the Disaster Management Department on Prevailing heat wave. Telangana Schools Summer Holidays 2019 Vacation, Closing, Re-opening by TS DSE, Telangana Summer holidays 2019, As per TS Schools academic Calendar Schedule 2019-20.
TS Schools summer Vocation Holidays 13-04-2019 to June 11th as usual and school reopens from June 12th. The press note announced by DSE TS, The summer holidays begin from April 13. The schools are set to re-open on June 12.

Telangana Schools Summer Holidays 2019 Vacation, Closing, Re-opening by TS DSE Summer Holidays to TS Schools from April 13th to June 11th, 2019:
Director of School Education Telangana has given clarification on Summer Holidays to TS Schools. Commissioner and Director of School Education has announced a press note for summer holidays. So, Summer holidays from April 13th – June 11th as usual and school reopens from June 12th.
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TS DSE Press Note on Summer Holidays to TS Schools
Office of the Commissioner & Director of School Education Telangana, Hyderabad.
Rc. No. 90/Plg-1/DSE/2017, Dt. 24-05-2019
Due to high day temperatures recorded in the State and taking feedback from District Collectors, and also considering the demand of the parents of school children, After, DSE may declare the holidays to all Schools functioning under Government/ Local Bodies / Private Managements and Summer Vacation may be rescheduled. Keeping in view of the scorching heat wave conditions and the rising mercury levels, the Telangana Government may decide to bring in some relief for the students by advancing the summer holidays.
Announcing the the press note, The summer holidays begin from April 13. The schools are set to re-open on June 12. The school managements who don’t follow the summer holiday schedule will be facing stern consequences.Summer Holidays to TS Schools from April 13th to June 11th, 2019
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➥Summer holidays from 13th April 2019 to June 11th June 2019.
➥School reopens from 12th June 2019
➥ After Summer vacation 2019 Academic year 2019-2020 will commences from 12.06.2019.
Summer Holidays to TS Schools from April 13th and Schools Reopen on June 12
As per the Government Of Telangana, School Education (Prog.Ii) Department, Memo No. 90/Prog.It/A1/2019, Dated: 24.05.2019. Following request from various quarters, the Telangana Government has finally decided to postpone the re-opening of TS Schools from June 12 instead of June 1 in view of prevailing heat wave conditions in the State. Necessary orders in this regard were issued on May 24 by Education Department Secretary Dr. Janardhan Redy to the Commissioner of School Education. Therefore, the ongoing summer holidays for schools will continue till June 11 and all TS Schools will re-open on June 12.
But, DSE Telangana has given clarification on Summer Holidays to TS Schools. Commissioner and Director of School Education has announced a press note for summer holidays. So, Summer holidays from April 13th – June 11th as usual and school reopens from June 12th.
– Summer holidays from April 13th to June 11th.
– School reopens from June 12th
So, The New Academic year 2019-2020 will commence with effect from 12.06.2019.
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# Telangana Schools Summer Holidays 2019 Vacation, Closing, Re-opening by TS DSE Official RC ➧ Get File