TS KGBV Transfers/ Shifting Orders 2023 Transfers Web Allotments Download- CRTS, SOs application, Merit List, Web options, Schedule, Guidelines, vacancies at samagrashiksha.telangana.gov.in/
TS KGBV Shifting Orders 2023 download . TS KGBV CRTs SOs Transfers Web Allotments 2023 Web allotment Within the district , Inter District, Mutual Willing allotments- KGBV Teachers Shifting / Transfers 2023 Schedule Telangana KGBV Schools Teachers, CRTs, special officers (SOs) Transfers/ Shifting 2023
TS KGBV Teachers, CRTS, SOs Transfers Online web counselling https://samagrashiksha.telangana.gov.in/:
KGBV transfers Applications from 5th May 2023 : All those who wish to transfer to Kasturba Gandhi Girls’ Schools/ Colleges should apply online from 05-05-2023. The Commissioner of Education said that the full details of the special officers, PGCRTs, CRTs, ANMs and PETs working on the contract can be obtained through www.samagrashiksha.telangana.gov.in.
Samagra Shiksha Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas – Shifting of willing Special Officers/PGCRT/CRT/PET/ANM/ Accountant to other KGBV thorough online by taidng up fresh contractual service – Orders
All the DEOs EO-DPOs, SS in the State except Hyderabad and MedchalDistricts are informed that the Government have accorded permission to take up shilling process of willing Special Officers/PGCRT/CRT/PET/A\M/Accountantol KGBV by taking up fresh contractual service at the consented KGBV. The process is being taken up through online and the willing candidates have to upload their applications with relevant documents in the given website within the prescribed schedule. The detailed guidelines and schedule are enclosed herewith and they are requested to go through them and see that candidates who are willing for shifting to other KGI3V may submit their applications -with relevant prescribed documents through online within the schedule.
KGBV Staff Tranfers 2023 Instructions
- To issue Press Note on shifting of’ willing, Special Officers, PGCRTs, CRTs, PETs, ANMs & Accountants of KGBVs who have completed (2) years as on 01.05.2023 in.
the respective KGBVs, to submit online application on the website https://transfers.cdse.telangana.gov.in/. - To receive the uploaded applical ions of the individuals (SOs, PGCRTs, CRTs, ANMs, PETs & Accountants) submitted by the concerned Special Officers of KGBVs within the stipulated period duly ascertaining that the prescribed documents are enclosed to the uploaded applications. A separate register has to be maintained for this purpose.
- The list of Special Officers, PG( RTs, CRTs, PETs, ANMs & Accountants who applied for shilling with their entitlement points is to be downloadedfrom the website for the categories of – within the district willing,candidates and Enter district willing candidates.
- To constitute verification team with HMs/leachers for verification of. applications received in respect of willing candidates.
Rc.No.2647/SS/T9/KGBV/2019 Dated: 11.05.2023 : Samagra Shiksha — Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas – Shifting of willing Special Officers/PGCRT/CRT/PET/ANM / Accountant to other KGBV by taking up fresh contractual service – Revised Schedule for the activities
KGBV Teachers Transfers Revised Schedule 2023

TS KGBV Teachers, CRTS, SOs Transfers 2023 Web allotments
TS KGBV CRTs SOs Transfers Web Allotments, Shifting Orders 2023 download
TS KGBV Transfers/ Shifting Orders 2023 pdf Download
Telangana KGBV CRTs SOs Transfers Web Allotments 2023
Web allotment Within the district willing Allotment 2023
Web allotment Inter District willing Allotment 2023
Web allotment Within District Mutual Willing & Inter District Mutual Willing 2023
Telangana KGBV CRTs SOs Transfers Merit List
Click here for KGBV Merit List Details
Telangana KGBV Teachers Transfers Online Application Form
- Go to https://transfers.cdse.telangana.gov.in/KGBV/officialLogin.do
- Click on Services on Menu Bar and Select Teachers Transfer http://transfers.cdse.telangana.gov.in/TSTT/TeachersTransfer.do
- Click on New Entry
- Enter Asked Details Mobile Number, Treasury ID , AADHAAR Number and Click on Submit An OTP wil be sent to your Registered ( Given by you Above )
- Enter the OTP and Click on Submit
- Your Online Application for Tranfers will be Opened
- Enter The Details Reading every point Carefully and Click on Submit
- Process Completed Keep Refference Number for Further Enquiry
1. Click here to download Revised Shifting Schedule
2. Click here to download Guidelines
3. Click here to download User Manual
TS KGBV Teachers, CRTS, SOs Transfers Schedule Guidelines 2023
I. The Spl. Officers, PG CRTs, CRTs, PETs and ANMs who are willing to take fresh contractual services at vacancies notified for the following categories by shifting process may submit their online applications. Applications will be entertained from Agency Area to Agency Area and Plain Area to Plain Area only. i. Within the District Mutually willing candidate (Same subject for PGCRTs and CRTs) ii. Inter District Mutually willing candidates (Same subject for PGCRTs and CRTs) iii. Within the District willing candidates iv. Inter District willing candidates
2. The entire process of submission of applications by the candidates, exercising options, evaluation by the department etc., will be taken up through online only.
3. The willing candidates specified at I above have to submit their applications through online within the schedule duly following the guidelines and other conditions.
4. The candidates who are opting for the categories
i) Within the District Mutually willing &
ii) Inter District Mutually willing have to upload the following documents.
a) Consent Letter in the prescribed format that is downloaded from website has to be signed by both the individuals opting for mutual shifting.
b) In case of PG CRTs, CRTs, PETs & ANM, the consent letter has to be countersigned by the concerned Special Officer.
c) In case of Special Officers, the consent letter has to be countersigned by the concerned District Educational Officer.
5. The candidates who are coming under the categories at (iii) & (iv) of I are eligible for entitlement Points as below: Three (3) points for every completed academic year and 0.25 points for every completed month in a particular KGBV will be awarded to the Spl. Officers/PGCRTs/CRTs/PET/ANM working on contractual basis and who have submitted their applications.
6. The Performance related Extra Entitlement Points for categories at (iii) & (iv) of I will be as follows: (a) Special Officers and CRTs: GP secured by students in SSC May, 2023 only in the concerned subject for CRTs and overall GPA for SOs shall be taken into consideration for awarding points as below. Advanced Supplementary Exam results shall not be considered.
Note: In respect of Special Officers, the entitled points secured either in SSC or Inter 1″ year shall be taken into consideration.
7. The final list of applicants will be generated on the basis of information/documents uploaded in the website in the following order of priority for the categories (within the district willing candidates and Inter district willing candidates) with their entitlement points for taking up fresh contractual service.
a. Physically challenged i.e., those with not less than 70% visually challenged / Ortho handicap /Hearing Impaired and has to enclose SADARAM Certificate or Medical Board Certificate with the application.
b. Widows.
c. Legally separated women and not remarried.
d. SpI. Officers/CRTs or their spouse suffering with the following diseases or he/she is undergoing treatment:
i. Cancer.
ii. Open Heart Surgery.
iii. Neuro-Surgery.
iv. Bone T.B.
v. Kidney/Liver/Heart Transplantation.
e. Applicants with dependent children who are mentally retarded/ suffering from Leukaemia (Blood Cancer) and are undergoing treatment. f. Applicants’ Children suffering with hole in the heart by birth and undergoing medical treatment available only at specified places to which they are seeking transfers.
g. Applicants with dependent children suffering from Juvenile Diabetes. h. Unmarried. i. Spl Officers/PGCRTs/CRTs/PETs/ANMs, whose spouse is working in State Government or Central Government or Public Sector Undertaking or Local Body or Aided Institution in the same District . (Individual should opt for shifting nearer to and towards the place of working of her spouse). The individual whose spouse is working in other District is eligible for seeking shifting to that District on spouse grounds. Note: For the purpose of (d, e, f & g) above, a copy of the Certificate issued by a competent authority i.e., District Medical Board / State Medical Board should be enclosed to the application for consideration of preferential categories.
8 Committee for issue of orders taking up fresh contractual service with the respective candidates as per shifting after completion of web allotment: a) Collector — Chairperson. b) Joint Collector – Member. c) District Educational Officer — Member Secretary.
9. Order of priority for taking up process for taking fresh contractual agreement. a. Within district Mutually willing candidates. b. Inter district Mutually willing candidates c. Within district willing candidates d. Inter district willing candidates
10. Unit for shifting: New District
11. Mode of application: Online
12. The willing candidates seeking shifting process within the district or inter district other than mutual have to exercise web option on the prescribed dates in the website carefully by choosing the place where they would like to shift. The option once exercised is final and there will be no revision or cancellation or withdrawal under any circumstances and they have to take up fresh contractual services at the allotted place as per web allotment.
14. The candidates who are exercising option for mutually willing (within the district or inter district) are eligible for giving consent to one individual only and they are not allowed for revision or cancellation or withdrawal once they have confirmed their application through online and they have to compulsorily work at mutually consented place as per web allotment to take up fresh contractual services. 15. The candidates (PG CRTs, CRTs, PET and ANM) after uploading their application through online with in due date have to submit the following documents to the Special Officer of the respective KGBV. a) Consent Letter in case of mutual shifting. b) Print out from web site. c) Result sheet for claiming entitlement points. d) other supporting documents claiming priority/provision.
16. The Special Officer has to verify the details uploaded by the PG CRTs, CRTs, PET and ANM of the respective KGBV and the documents furnished by them. After satisfying correctness of the information furnished by them, the Special Officer has to certify the application of the candidates and submit the same along with the supporting documents to the DEO within the due date.
17. The Special Officers who are willing for shifting have to submit the following documents to the District Educational Officer of the respective District after uploading their application through online with in due date a) Consent Letter in case of mutual shifting. b) Print out from web site. c) Result sheet for claiming entitlement points. d) other supporting documents claiming priority/provision. 18. The DEOs concerned have to verify the details furnished by the Special Officers, PG CRTs, CRTs, PET and ANM of the Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas in the District and after satisfying the correctness of the information furnished by them with respect to prescribed documents, they have to confirm in the website within due date accordingly.
KGBV Teachers Transfers Schedule 2023 .
Time Schedule for entire process:
SI. No. Item Date
1. Availability of online application with guidelines and vacancies particulars in the Samagra Shiksha Website “samagrashiksha.telangana.gov.in” May-2023
2. Submission of Online Applications by the candidates From May-2023
3. Due date for submission of documents by the willing PGCRTs/CRTs/ANM/PET for shifting to the Special Officer of the respective KGBV By May-2023
4. Due date for submission of documents by the willing Special Officers of KGBV for shifting to the respective DEO By May-2023
5. Due date for submission of documents received from the willing PGCRTs/CRTs/ANM/PET for shifting to the respective DEO by the Special Officer ByMay-2023
6. Confirmation by the DEOs May-2023
7.Publication (website) of list with entitled points and preferential category details in respect of candidates within the district & inter district willing cases May-2023
8. Filing of objections if any by the candidates on the list to the DEO May-2023
9. Disposal of objections and edit the list if required by the DEOsMay-2023
10. Publication (website) of final list with entitled points and preferential category details in respect of candidates within the district & inter district willing. May-2023
11. Exercising web options by the willing candidates (within the district ) May-2023
12. Verification of web options of spouse category by the DEOs as per guidelines and confirmation in online May-2023
13. Web allotment for shifting of candidates within the district & inter district willing cases and mutually willing cases May-2023
14 Termination of contract at old place and afresh contractual service at new place by the candidates as per web allotment by reporting to the DEO concerned May-2023
15. Exercising web options by the willing candidates ( inter district) May-2023
16. Verification of web options of spouse category by the DEOs as per guidelines and confirmation in online ( inter district) May-2023
17. Web allotment for shifting of candidates within the district & inter district willing cases and mutually willing cases ( inter district) May-2023
18. Termination of contract at old place and afresh contractual service at new place by the candidates as per web allotment by reporting to the DEO concerned ( inter district) May-2023
Instructions to DEOs:
i) To receive the uploaded applications of the individuals (SOs, PGCRTs, CRTs, ANM, PET) to be submitted by the concerned Special Officers of KGBVs within the scheduled period duly ascertaining the prescribed documents to be enclosed to the uploaded applications. A separate register has to be maintained for this purpose.
ii) The list of SpI. Officers, PG CRTs, CRTs, PETs and ANMs who applied for shifting with their entitled points is to be downloaded from the website for the categories (within the district willing candidates and Inter district willing candidates).
iii) To verify the uploaded applications with reference to enclosed documents and to verify the genuineness of the documents furnished by the individuals claiming preferential categories by constituting verification team with HMs/Teachers.
iv) After taking verification duly following the above procedure and only after satisfying that the individual’s application is supported with the prescribed valid documents, the DEOs have to confirm through online within due date.
v) If the applications are not supported with either prescribed documents or found not genuine, such applications shall be rejected and these applications are not to be confirmed by the DEOs through online.
vi) In regard to claiming “Spouse” preferential category, the individuals are eligible to opt to move nearer towards spouse only and not to opt other places that are far away towards spouse. After downloading the web options exercised by the spouse category candidates on the prescribed date, the DEO has to verify the options as per guidelines and if any individual’s options are found against the guidelines, those options shall not be confirmed in online with specific remarks.
TS KGBV Teachers, CRTS, SOs vacancies 2023
1. CRT (Telugu)
2. CRT (Hindi)
3. CRT (English)
4. CRT (Mathematics)
5. CRT (Phy. Science)
6. CRT (Bio Science)
7. CRT (Social Studies)
8. PGCRT (Telugu)
9. PGCRT (English)
10. PGCRT (Mathematics)
11. PGCRT (Physics)
12. PGCRT (Chemistry)
13. PGCRT (Botany)
14. PGCRT (Zoology)
15. PGCRT (Civics)
16. PGCRT (Commerce)
17. PGCRT (Economics)
18. PGCRT (Nursing)
19. PGCRT (Urdu)
21. ANM
22. Special Officer
Click here for all the above staff vacancies details
Inter district transfer Schedule for KGBVs
1. Click here to download Consent Letter for Mutual Shifting.
2. Click here to download your Submitted Application.